In the film’s ingenious examination on the nature of truth, “Rashomon” is an outstanding example of faulty  justice. In Kurosawa’s masterpiece four people recount totally differing accounts of a crime.


So it is with the latest brouhaha about the transcript of President Trump’s conversation with Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky.


The Democrats all screech “impeach! impeach now!.” But some conservative pundits display a variety of opinions.


David French and Jonah Goldberg at the National Review  see malfeasance and evidence of a quid pro quo and unconvincing Trump spin, but remain sanguine about Biden corruption and Ukraine’s role in the Mueller narrative.


The Justice Department issued the following: “Relying on established procedures set forth in the Justice Manual, the Department’s Criminal Division reviewed the official record of the call and determined, based on the facts and applicable law, that there was no campaign finance violation and that no further action was warranted,” read a Wednesday statement from Justice spokesperson Kerri Kupec. “All relevant components of the Department agreed with this legal conclusion, and the Department has concluded the matter,” she added.


And Kimberley Strassel of The Wall Street Journal writes after reading the same transcript as  French and Goldberg:


Kimberley StrasselVerified account @KimStrassel

1) Having read DOJ’s Trump-Ukraine release, here’s the real story: This is another internal attempt to take out a president, on the basis of another non-smoking-gun.


Thomas Lifson of American Thinker writes  : “The text in italics seems to indicate that President Zelensky already had investigation plans, and wanted US cooperation. This is the opposite of Trump demanding or coercing cooperation with a threat to withhold military aid or supply any positive or negative incentive.  ”


None the less Lifson thinks the Dems will still demand impeachment and it could be injurious to the President.

So which is it?


It’s Rashomon. I mostly agree with Thomas Lifson, but the biggest loser will ultimately be Joseph Biden…..rsk

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