NYT op-ed brazenly calls for packing the Supreme Court By Thomas Lifson


Just two days after publishing its disgraceful, deceptive op-ed impugning Justice Kavanaugh, the op-ed page editors of the New York Times implement stage two of the paper’s campaign today with an op-ed by its own writer Jamelle Bouie: “To Balance the Scales of Justice, Don’t Be Afraid to Pack the Court.”

The subtitle alone gives away the game: “The lifetime appointments of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh cry out for Democratic hardball in response.”

So they slime justices appointed by President Trump and campaign on destroying the Court’s authority because those appointees are somehow illegitimate.

Lying behind all of this is the growing conviction on the Left that the Supreme Court no longer will be a vehicle for imposing progressive policies without having to change the law or the Constitution.  Even worse, the SCOTUS may become a vehicle for limiting or rolling back some of those policies it formerly imposed — pre-eminently Roe v. Wade, but also other court-imposed doctrines that the Left assured us were now “the rule of law” once the progressive court decided them.

When the Left loses a game, it tries to change the rules.

Because the New York Times is the pilot fish for the rest of the media establishment, we can expect a concerted campaign in the next years to delegitimize the Supreme Court and, thereby, the rule of law itself.  I don’t think it is a coincidence that as this develops, we see a parallel development of a paramilitary force, Antifa, to enforce the dogmas of the Left without any reference to law.

I suspect that this campaign also signals that leftists believe that President Trump will be re-elected and may replace Justice Ginsburg and possibly other progressive stalwarts of the Court.

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