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May 2019

Politics is front and center for Russiagate probe, and the farce has reached new heights Andrew C. McCarthy


Politics is front and center for the Russiagate probe, which has reached previously unknown heights of farce – and that’s saying something.

This week saw the spectacle of the House Judiciary Committee holding the attorney general of the United States in contempt for withholding Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report … notwithstanding that the report was actually provided to lawmakers.

Desperate to project the illusion of cover-up in the utter absence of cover-up, Democrats proceeded against the attorney general even though (a) Barr did not owe Congress a single comma in the report because federal law calls for it to be confidential (i.e., between the prosecutor investigating the case and his supervisor, the attorney general); (b) Barr nevertheless gave Congress about 95 percent of the report; (c) congressional Democrats did not avail themselves of the opportunity to read other unredacted portions to which he gave access; (d) all of the unsavory information about President Trump – i.e., the stuff in the report that Democrats truly care about – has been disclosed; and (e) Barr only withheld grand jury information which it would be illegal to disclose – meaning: Democrats put the AG to the untenable choice of violating the law or being held in contempt.

Deplatforming the Platformers: Why Antitrust Legislation Is the Way to Go By David Solway


Having failed to impeach President Trump on grounds of collusion with the Russians, the Democratic left and its allies have turned to other weapons in their arsenal to obstruct his re-election. Their instruments can be very potent: a media blitzkrieg, the raising of the dead (the cemetery vote), multiple vote counting, newly franchised illegal voters, massive vote harvesting, and social media censorship—all of which constitute a campaign of monstrous voter fraud.

Evicting dissident voices from social media platforms may be the most effective device of the left. How can such high-tech despotism be challenged or negated? Citizen journalists, who can be seen as liberal democracy’s samizdat warriors, are to be applauded and supported for trying to counter a significant bias, but far more is required to thwart what amounts to an organized campaign to commit doxa violence—a modus operandi perhaps even more effective than the practice of totalitarian terror.

There are many ways to eliminate opposing voices, from police oppression to mass slaughter to the stifling of the means to acquire salient information. The coercive method eventually engenders resentment, revolt and ultimately political collapse. Data suppression works better, not only muzzling people from expressing their views and convictions but preventing many common folk from even knowing they have been erased from the public conversation. Big Tech, in collaboration with the Democratic left, may well be President Trump’s most powerful enemy—and, indeed, the gravest threat to freedom and the life of a viable democracy.

A Trump Poser: Just Who Lurks Above the Law?


“So who is seeking to be positioned above the law? It’s hard to read the precedent as suggesting Mr. Trump is doing that. Nor is the Justice Department, which is on the side of the president; nor has the Justice Department’s special prosecutor moved against the president. No, it’s starting to look like the party seeking to maneuver itself above the law is — wait for it — the United States Congress.”

Is — or is not — the President above the law? It looks like we are going to be quarreling over that question as the Congress moves to confront President Trump for the Mueller report. We are going to be popped this poser, too, in respect of Mr. Trump’s aides, Attorney General Barr and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, who are, among others, rebuffing subpoenas from the Representatives House.

Our sense of it — after reading up — is that both sides will want to avoid assumptions. That’s the gist, too, of an opinion just issued from the chambers of the New Yorker magazine’s constitutional maven, Jeffrey Toobin. He reckons that Mr. Trump is creating a “new constitutional norm” in which the only likely remedy for an executive defying the legislature would be the next election.

Reconsidering The Head And The Body Of The Snake… by Gerald A. Honigman

Besides hundreds of Arab incendiary terror kites and balloons, rocket and mortar launchings, sniper attacks, and so forth Israel has previously been subjected to, the weekend of May 4th, 2019 saw about 700 rockets launched from Gaza against Israeli civilians causing death, injury, and destruction. Israel’s response, while probably materially costly to Hamas, was still far too predictable–certainly nothing to convince Hamas and Islamic Jihad to cease and desist http://www.mideasttruth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=139. Allegedly important buildings, training facilities, and such were taken out.

What makes matters worse, is that an Israel, that can enter Iran and walk out with huge quantities of top secret information, can surely also catch wind of when Hamas & Co. are scheduled to strut their stuff for the locals and arrange a proper greeting for them as well https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2873608/Hamas-parades-2-000-armed-fighters-drones-vehicle-mounted-rockets-biggest-strength-end-summer-war-Israel.html.

This has been going on for far too long–which means that, for whatever reasons, it’s probably a deliberate decision on Israel’s part. Regardless, here’s some of my own thoughts about this untenable situation…

I heard a presentation years ago by one of those Israeli security experts that many are listening to these days.