Will Ilhan Omar Finally Wake Up the Jewish People?By Eileen F. Toplansky


So many of us have tried to warn our liberal Jewish friends and family of the real dangers of anti-Semitism that began in earnest with the election of Barack Hussein Obama.  We were met with derision, scorn, and outright antipathy.  Yet we knew that this was the beginning, not the end of the resurgence of the oldest disease known to mankind.

After all, Obama warmly welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood into the government.  The Muslim Brotherhood made no secret of their wanting to become a political entity that rivals our constitutional one.  Thus, it bears reiterating that “the Muslim Brotherhood, otherwise known as the Ikhwan believes that its purposes in the West are … better advanced by the use of non-violent, stealthy techniques.  In that connection, the Muslim Brotherhood seeks to establish relations with, influence and, wherever possible, penetrate government circles in executive and legislative branches at the federal, state, and local levels; the law enforcement community; intelligence agencies; the military; penal institutions, the media; think tanks and policy groups; academic institutions, non-Muslim religious communities; and other elites.  The Brothers engage in all of these activities and more for one reason: to subvert the targeted communities in furtherance of the Muslim Brother’s primary objective — the triumph of shariah.”

Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are just the most public of these jihadist plants who have now become the darlings of the Democratic Party.  If all people, but particularly Jews, were to set aside hardened ideology and wake up, they would see the serious danger being inflicted upon the home of the brave.

But perhaps G-d in His infinite wisdom has sent Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to awaken even the most naïve and indifferent Jew to the fact that there are now in the halls of Congress a number of people who would make Hitler proud.

If this hatred is not repeatedly called out, the country will continue to slide toward the undoing of every righteous reason for being the greatest country in the world.  The mealy-mouthed “apology” that the Democrats shamelessly put forth should awaken even the most somnolent Jew to the Democratic Party’s being overwhelmed by the enemies of America.  By sidestepping the actual anti-Semitism of Omar, and writing that “white supremacists have targeted traditionally persecuted peoples, including African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other people of color, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and others,” the document has become a means to hide the virulent Jew-hatred of Omar.  As usual, the Democrats are masters of camouflage and diversion.

The Jew has always been the canary in the mine.  How Jews are treated is the surest sign of the health of a country.  Omar and Tlaib are the symptoms of a diseased state, and not enough people are unequivocally uniting to inoculate the country against the odium that not that long ago led to the murder of six million Jews in Germany.

As of 2017, Jews constitute a little over 14 million people worldwide as compared to the burgeoning 1.5-billion-strong Muslim population.  Crimes against Jews in America are on the rise, and militant Islam has penetrated every aspect of our country.  The Democrats caved when Omar insisted that she wear her head covering even though it has been a rule that no head coverings be worn in Congress.  Many innocently said, “Don’t make a big deal — and she looks so elegant.”  This was a first step toward dhimmitude.

In Paterson, New Jersey, schools are now having to offer halal food so as not to offend their Muslim students.  Why?  Let Muslim parents prepare their own food and give it to their children.  No other group makes these demands and expects a school to comply.

It goes on and on.  Jihadist Muslims continue to get away with discrimination against gays, misogyny, anti-Semitism, and murder, and it is now viewed as the “new norm.”

One cannot print a silly cartoon without Muslims rioting.  Vicious knifing attacks result in the elimination of knives, but nary a word about slowing down the immigration of Muslims who think it is their holy duty to destroy the infidel.  After all, their imams told them that it is part of being a good Muslim.

As Bookworm has elucidated, even for all those Jews who were cavalier about Obama’s actions toward Israel and his sleazy acquaintances such as Reverend Wright and Louis Farrakhan, the nonchalant remark that Obama made when Jews were murdered because they were Jews making a purchase in a French delicatessen hit home.  Although they had given Obama a pass regarding his less than savory anti-Semitic bedfellows before, this attack was a bit too personal.

Can the vast majority of American Jews who espouse liberal and left-wing ideas finally see that the American left has an endemic anti-Semitism problem?  Can they finally perceive that the Democratic Party has been infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood cohorts, whose sole aim is to destroy America by first singling out the Jewish American individual?  Will they accept that the Democrats have no genuine backbone to counter hatred of the Jew?

And for those Jews who would equivocate by bringing up Republican Steve King, they need to be reminded that

… unlike the Republicans’ actions in stripping Representative Steve King (R-Iowa) of his House committee seats after he made remarks that appeared to defend white nationalism, Congresswoman Omar is still a member of the influential House Foreign Affairs committee, with no current intention by Democrat House leaders to remove her.

Furthermore, the “Democratic House leaders also appear to be caving in to demands from Omar’s supporters that a clear-cut House resolution against anti-Semitism, which would not have called out Omar by name even in its original version, be even further watered down by adding generic condemnations of hatred in all forms, including of so-called Islamophobia.”

But the tide may be turning.  Jewish momentum is slowly building.  Known as Jexodus, it is “a totally genuine grassroots movement started by young millennials who are just trying to galvanize young Jews across the country and get them involved in what’s happening in politics.”  Per a press release from the Jexodus launch at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C., here is how the group self-describes:

We are proud Jewish Millennials tired of living in bondage to leftist politics.  We reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left.  Progressives, Democrats, and far too many old-school Jewish organizations take our support for granted.  After all, we’re Jewish, and Jews vote for Democrats.

Until today.

We are determined and we are unafraid to speak for ourselves.  As combatants and veterans of the campus wars, we know the threat progressivism poses to Jews.  We’ve had front row seats witnessing anti-Semites hide behind the thin veil of anti-Zionism.  We know the BDS movement harbors deep hatred not only for Israel, but for Jews.  We’re done standing with supposed Jewish leaders and allegedly supportive Democrats who rationalize, mainstream, and promote our enemies.  We’d rather spend forty years wandering in the desert than belong to a party that welcomes Jew-haters like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

May they be strong and of good courage.  And may they be supported by people of good will of many religious convictions.  Amen.

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