Barack Obama Is Still Trying To Rewrite His Presidential Legacy By Matt Margolis

He continues to lie about what happened during his two terms.

Have you been following Obama’s post-presidency career as a comedian? Well, I have. His most commonly used bit was the claim that he didn’t have any scandals during his presidency. Though his usual audience tends not to laugh but to cheer at this claim, it is easily debunked by anyone who paid attention during that time.

It appears that Obama is now testing out some new material. In addition to his “I didn’t have any scandals” bit, he’s now working in a couple new ones:

Former President Barack Obama says he tried to build a culture centered around problem-solving and not personal gain while in the White House.

He said on Wednesday it was an effective strategy for any organization that also prevents “big scandals and indictments.”

Obama’s comments drew applause from a crowd of about 9,000 people at a business conference in Salt Lake City.

Obama didn’t mention President Donald Trump and wasn’t asked about him during a question-and-answer session.

But he made several comments that seemed to allude to the state of the country and the Trump administration.

Obama says he felt confident in difficult decisions he had to make because he surrounded himself with smart people who didn’t always agree with him, and based choices on “facts and reason and logic.”

Obama “tried to build a culture centered around problem-solving and not personal gain?”

He must think we’re ignorant of how his net worth skyrocketed since he decided to run for president. The Obama family, which was already wealthy in 2008, is worth 30 times more today.

Obama’s presidency often seemed fueled by his ego and his enjoyment of the perks of the position. The Obama family frequently took lavish vacations, and Michelle Obama had a ridiculously large staff of aides. President Trump, however, donates his presidential salary, and his net worth has actually gone down since becoming president. Most importantly, Obama’s personal gain over his two terms stands in stark contrast to the millions of Americans who suffered under his policies.

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