Their “gotcha” moment has come and gone.  It was a low moment. They tried everything…even using the race card and the vainglorious boast of Representative Elijah Cummings Democrat of  Delaware (District 7) who said: ”

“200 Years From Now People Will Be Reading About This Moment”

As Daniel Greenfield observes (

“According to Rep. Cummings, a courageous joke still searching for a punchline with a lantern and a scowl, this day when Democrats brought a convicted liar to lie on Capitol Hill is so memorable that it will be remembered 200 years from now.”….”What President Trump is trying to do in Vietnam may still matter two centuries hence. Cummings’ desperate posturing won’t.”

The Baltimore Sun, however printed this idiocy: (

Maryland Congressman Cummings redeems Cohen hearing with passionate, poetic closing remarks….” It was one of the most inspirational TV moments I have seen in more than 30 years of writing about media and politics. What a moment for Cummings and the nation.”

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