14 Recent Anti-Trump Hate Crimes That the Media Ignored By Matt Margolis


In the wake of the Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax, there’s been a lot of discussion in the media about hate crimes. As the truth about what happened became impossible for the media to deny, the message shifted from “this is America under Trump” to “even though this was fake, don’t forget hate crimes are on the rise under Trump.” Keep in mind, when Obama was elected, the media alleged that hate crimes rose because of that, too.

What the media is trying desperately to hide from us is another form of hate crime—those motivated by political prejudice. Jussie Smollett’s hate crime hoax got enormous attention, not just because of Smollett’s celebrity status, but because it fit the narrative: gay black man assaulted by Trump supporters.

Below is a selection of recent examples of anti-Trump hate crimes that the media barely covered. But make no mistake, there are many more examples of anti-Trump /anti-conservative prejudice not covered in this list, such as incidents of vandalism, refusal of service, etc. The important thing to realize here is that these aren’t simply a bunch of isolated incidents. The left has become so consumed with hatred that they will attack anyone who supports Trump, be it children or the elderly, and often without provocation.

14. Pro-Trump student assaulted in Minneapolis

In March 2018, a student carrying a pro-Trump flag was assaulted by “a mob of students” during the National School Walkout in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The attack took place while students at Southwest High School were supposed to be observing a moment of silence to commemorate the 17 students and teachers who died in the Parkland, Fla. shooting last month, WCCO reported.

Police said the student was waving a flag in support of President Trump when he was ambushed by at least eight classmates. The mob forcefully took the “Trump” flag from the student and damaged a camera he was carrying. While it was previously reported he sustained minor injuries, a family friend told Fox News he was taken to urgent care because his arm was broken in two places.

A broken arm over politics? Between high school students, for crying out loud! What exactly are kids today being taught?

13. The D.C. restaurant assault

In April 2018, a 29-year-old woman in Washington, D.C., overheard a political conversation between a man and two women and decided to get involved by telling them, “I support Donald Trump.” After this revelation, things got ugly.

“I’m a Trump supporter. I stood by my views, then they called me a racist and then they started attacking me,” Maricela told FOX 5.

She claimed the two suspects assaulted her despite their male friend trying to step in to stop them. The victim said she took herself to Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland for treatment of her injuries, the police report said.

“After it happened, I got a bruised right eye,” the victim said. “My blood vessels inside my eye burst. I got a fractured finger, a bruised knee and minor bruises all over my body.”

D.C. police released video of the suspects captured on the restaurant’s surveillance cameras.

This is why I rarely inject myself into public conversations about politics. CONTINUE AT SITE


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