– Chautauqua Speakers in New York Reveal Plan for Worldwide Islamic State by Rachel Lipsky

In “Jihadist Psychopath,” a vital recently published book the author Dr. Jamie Glazov, reveals the steps by which, “Islamic Supremacists are duplicating the sinister methodology of psychopaths who routinely charm, seduce, capture, and devour their prey.”

Indeed, Islamists now openly admit that a group of Malaysian Islamic scholars have long planned to build a modern-day global Islamic state ruled by Sharia. Once a closely guarded secret, the Islamists have grown emboldened and are hard at work, plotting societal devastation.

Read on, to learn of the instance in which I personally confronted their methodology:

Sharia-supremacist Muslims use innocent-sounding standard interfaith dialogues as a key strategy to destroy Western civilization and install a Caliphate–a global Islamic state ruled by Shari’a law. They openly declare their intent, as they did at New York’s Chautauqua Institution last summer in a seminar I attended with approximately 40 other people.

The Chautauqua “Islam and Sharia” seminar was one of many daily Islamic programs led last summer by Khaled and Sabeeha Rehman.    Who are they?

Sabeeha was one among many 2016 Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention speakers alongside the brazenly racist “terrorist professor Hamas promoter” professor Hatem Bazian. Jew hater Linda Sarsour, Tarik Ramadan, Muzammil Siddiqi, Yasir Qadhi who called for killing of gays, Salam Al Maryati who accused Israelis of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks, and Hamas and Hezbollah sympathizer, Nihad Awad – founder of Hamas linked CAIR, and others, including Hussam Ayloush who recently called for Israel’s destruction.

To promote political Islamic ideology, the highly-educated Pakistani native Rehman couple, presented the standard interfaith Da’wa [Islamic proselytization] that whitewashes Islam and sharia with kumbaya propaganda, obfuscation and misinformation. With unwavering self-confidence and calm, they delivered a romanticized picture of Islam and Sharia that bears little relation to reality.

Then came the bombshell admission. Sabeeha noted that a group of Islamic scholars in Malaysia, led by longtime Chautauqua speaker Feisal Abdul Rauf, have long planned to build a modern-day global Islamic state ruled by Sharia. Hosted by the progressive Chautauqua Institution, a Muslim couple shared, with considerable delight, the plan of a group of Muslims for a Global Islamic State under the regressive Islamic Law. Rauf’s Malaysian group, we were told, produced six sets of Sharia principles:

1.Protection of life, 2. Intellectual knowledge, 3. Family, 4. Property, 5. Freedom of speech, 6. Religious freedom.

The wording is intentionally misleading and not compatible with the freedoms Western nations afford their citizens.


Sabeeha affirmed that Islam means “protecting dignity by applying Sharia. Yet, that legal system forbids criticism of Mohammed or Islam on pain of death, particularly by non-Muslims. Moreover, any non-Muslim remark disliked by a Muslim can be prosecuted as libel.

Sabeeha further noted that Rauf’s Malaysian group collected data from 15 Muslim countries and ranked them by their six principles.

For “protection of life,” Rauf’s group ranked Brunei #1.  However, the Rehmans omitted 2014 law confirmed by the Sultan of Brunei to punish all homosexuals by stoning and a 10 year prison term. Furthermore in Brunei baptism and all Christian worship is denied.

start stoning homosexuals

Hardly “protection of life” by Western standards, much less those of the binding 1948 U.N. General Assembly’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights translated into 500 languages.


Since Sharia excludes the Kafir (infidel) from “privileges” granted to Muslims, whose lives does Brunei protect?


For religious freedom, Rauf’s group ranked Senegal #1. Yet in March 2008,then Senegal president and OIC chairman stated “I don’t think freedom of expression should mean freedom from blasphemy. There can be no freedom without limits.”


As for non-Muslim countries, the Rehmans enthusiastically noted that the Malaysian group ranked Sweden as #1 in Sharia-compliance among the non-Muslim countries it evaluated. They unreservedly shared this shocking news with their gullible non-Muslim audience.


Why shocking? Most people consider Sweden a socialist utopia, so the Rehmans use this ranking to bolster and spread false trust that Sharia benignly protects equal rights for all citizens, although it actually does the opposite.


Other seminar attendees seemed content to accept the barrage of falsehoods, as they asked a number of banal “feel good” questions. I alone challenged the Rehman’s’ fictions on Islam.

The Chautauqua Institute is a popular and respected venue for education for hundreds of thousands of visitors. Why did it permit a one sided “lecture” on a topic of serious concern for America and western values and threats to the sacred liberties of our nation?

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