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February 2019

The Dems Are Hilariously Bad Presidential Candidates By Kyle Smith


These past few weeks have been a tonic and a delight for any Republicans depressed by the midterms. So far the Democratic presidential slate is a clown car that has spat out a gaggle of mountebanks. The list includes a woman who previously and for many years claimed to be a “woman of color” but now has had to apologize after the world learned that “practically translucent” isn’t a color; T-Bone’s vegan buddy, who attacked meat eaters; a fake Latino who allowed himself to be trolled into going down to the border and railing against it; a “Senator Nice” who throws stuff at her terrorized staff and is rumored to make them shave her legs; and the She-Obama who just casually let slip that she wants to separate 150 million Americans from their private health insurance. Oh, and all of the above endorsed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s crazypants Green New Deal, a wishlist so bonkers even Nancy Pelosi mocked it.

Hey, Dems, when a ranting 140-year-old socialist Larry David lookalike is the least nutty person around, you’ve got problems. Maybe Joe Biden will save you. Or maybe not. Says a report this week: “The Democratic political community is more broadly and deeply pessimistic about Biden’s potential candidacy than is commonly known,” and many strategists think “it’s a bad, bad idea.”

Twenty Things You Probably Didn’t Know about Kirsten Gillibrand By Jim Geraghty


Defending Big Tobacco, keeping rifles under her bed, studying with Jeanine Pirro, and having Edie Falco play her grandmother.

1. Kirsten Gillibrand’s maternal grandmother was Polly Noonan, who became the longtime trusted aide of Erastus Corning II, Albany’s “mayor for life” from 1942 to 1983. Former New York governor Mario Cuomo once characterized their relationship this way: “Corning was the de facto leader. Polly was the leader.” Cuomo had Noonan organize events for his 1982 gubernatorial campaign and served as vice chairwoman of the Democratic State Committee during Cuomo’s three terms as governor. “Mayor Corning’s most influential confidante, Noonan handled patronage and political campaigns, handing out jobs that were the lifeblood of the old Democratic machine,” the Albany Times Union wrote in 2001. The Sopranos star Edie Falco played Noonan in last year’s off-Broadway play The True.

As Gillibrand put it in her 2014 autobiography, Off the Sidelines: Raise Your Voice, Change the World, “the mayor was simply part of our family.”

Leon Kushner- The World is Upside Down

I hope you noticed that I didn’t end the title of my post ‘Kill Him’ with an exclamation mark. I want to leave any emotions out of this discussion.

If you haven’t as yet guessed who I want to kill, why it’s the Arab terrorist, Arafat Irfaiya, who was recently arrested for having raped, mutilated and murdered a sweet, young, Israeli girl of 19 years of age. If you don’t live in Israel (I don’t), you might not have heard about this as it has yet to be reported by the mainstream media. So disgusting. But here in Canada when a young Muslim girl made up a story about her hijab being cut off by a man, the story went viral within hours, even our own PM cried about Islamophobia within an hour of the hoax.

Ori Ansbacher was Jewish as you might expect (however you could just as easily been wrong because many sweet young, Arabic girls are also raped, mutilated and murdered as a result of their legal practise of Honour Killing) in fact she was a religious Jew. Her father was a rabbi and I doubt that she ever intentionally killed an ant in her entire short life.

It’s funny that just as I’m writing this, I am getting emotional. I can see that this will be a battle for me. I must keep my emotions out of this.

I best get on with my point or I’ll lose it, lose you and lose the battle.