A master smackdown for Kamala Harris on Twitter By Monica Showalter


Democrats have been puffing and bloviating and making political hay off the appalling mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, but few can match the sanctimonious hypocrisy of California’s junior senator, Kamala Harris, who tweeted:

We have to speak truth about the fact that racism exists in our country and anti-Semitism exists in our country. We need to speak truth about that and deal with it.

This earned her this impressive smackdown from Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit on Twitter (who had been last seen smacking down smarmy hipster narrative-echo chamberman Ben Rhodes), drawing nearly 6,000 retweets and 15,000 likes:

Instapundit.com @instapundit Keith Ellison is your party cochair.

Way to take out the trash.  Short, snappy, and factual – a perfect rimshot exposing the Democrats’ hypocrisy.

Reynolds’s smackdown was pretty much all that needed to be said about the matter, but Harris actually got a lot of smackdowns on Twitter and a few merit honorable mentions.  Enjoy the show:

John Cardillo

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