Blumenthal, Whitehouse, Harris, and Booker, the four horsemen of the Democrat apocalypse By Patricia McCarthy

The Senate Kavanaugh hearings have been instructive, to say the least.  The four names above were the most tellingly obnoxious Democrats at the event, the worst offenders.  To name the others would be redundant.

The Democratic Party’s left – what amounts to a far left these days – cares about nothing beyond ending the Trump presidency, by any means necessary.  These people have sold their souls to accomplish this feat.  That was on display for all to see these past few days.  They set out to destroy Judge Brett Kavanaugh with all sorts of accusations, innuendo, and insults, but they didn’t lay a hand on him, not one of them, no matter how malicious their interrogation.

Not one of these Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee showed the judge an iota of respect.  They did expose for all to see their contempt for the president and all things conservative.  They apply very different rules to those nominated to the SCOTUS by Republicans from what they apply to those nominated by Democrats.  Non-answers by Democrat-nominated candidates are heralded for their evasion of how-would-you-rule questions.  This is not allowed for those nominated by Republican presidents.  Supreme Court justice nominees such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, etc. were celebrated for their refusal to answer certain questions.  Kavanaugh, more judicious and more experienced than Ginsburg or Kagan ever were, has been eviscerated by these same Democrats and the press for his handling of the questions asked.

The left is behaving as if its members’ very lives depend on defeating Kavanaugh’s nomination to the court.  Republicans have never resisted a Democrat-nominated justice so vehemently.  Most of them have been confirmed almost unanimously.  Yet Democrats do not grant a sitting Republican his choice.  Why?

It’s because they count on the SCOTUS to advance the far-left agenda they cannot get done legislatively.  They view the Court as their ace in the hole, their way to achieve their ends.  It has worked through the years.  When they are foiled, they become very, very angry.  Think Citizens United.

Democrats take their power over the citizens of this nation very seriously.  They behave badly when it is challenged or proscribed.  Those on the Judiciary Committee have demeaned themselves these past few days.  Rather than accord Judge Kavanaugh the respect he has earned, they set out to trap the man, somehow, some way, in a lie or a politically incorrect word uttered at any time in his life.  Violate a diktat of political correctness, and you will feel their wrath.

But the leftists never accurately assess their opponents.  They always assume they are smarter than everyone else, us deplorables.  It is this mistake that leads them in the Senate to make fools of themselves, as the odious Richard Blumethal, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Sheldon Whitehouse, among the rest of them, did.  Senators Dianne Feinstein, Amy Klobuchar, Chris Coons, etc. were almost equally intellectually underwhelming, and as foul.  All of them simply want to find a way to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

Bottom line?  They are all sore losers.  They have yet to accept the results of that election.

No Republican has ever conducted himself this poorly.  It is as though there are two sets of rules of conduct – one for Democrats, one for Republicans.  Democrats can be, and are expected to be, cruel, vicious, and vindictive.  Republicans must be passive, kind, and considerate.  Make no mistake: even when Republicans act in a civilized manner, they will be accused of all the dreadful things Democrats do.  Democrats are masters of projection.

The Kavanaugh hearings have been even more instructive than the Judge Neil Gorsuch hearings earlier in President Trump’s term.

Blumenthal, Harris, Booker, and Whitehouse are the poster people for the American left today.  They are a sad commentary on what was once a pro-American party.  They all seem to loathe America now.  They are proving correct the apocryphal quote of Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev from long ago: “You Americans are so gullible.  No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of communism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.  We won’t have to fight you.”

Our Democratic Party today is fulfilling whoever it was who made prophecy, Khrushchev or not.  They are the apocalypse, destroying us from within.  We must all pray that Republicans and independents vote Republican in November.  If they do not, we are lost.

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