Rep. Mark Meadows(R-N.C. District 11): “Hard Evidence” FBI Leaked Info To Press, Used Same Stories To Obtain FISA Warrants By Ian Schwartz

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) said Tuesday that the American people will be “appalled” at what happened within the FBI and DOJ to start the Trump campaign-Russian collusion probe. Meadows said the DOJ leaked information to the press and used those reported stories as evidence to get FISA warrants.

“I believe that they did. We know that some people at the Department of Justice and FBI actually gave information to the media and then the stories were reported, then they used those reports to justify further investigations,” he said.

Meadows asked why the FBI ignored evidence that pointed toward no collusion:


MEADOWS: There are three different lines of questioning. One, Congressman Issa talked about it. Will Bruce Ohr verify what we already know?

One of the interesting things is we have evidence that would suggest that FBI informants were told that there was no collusion and yet it seemed to be ignored. So we’re going to ask Bruce Ohr about that.

Additionally, when you have Christopher Steele and Nellie Ohr being paid tens of thousands and in some cases hundreds of dollars to put forth a false dossier, why would they rely so much on those two witnesses and ignore others?

So, there’s about 60 plus questions that I have. Hopefully, we’ll get some truth to be able to report back to you but we’re looking to honestly have a full day of questioning here.

Meadows explains his tweet, “We’ve learned NEW information suggesting our suspicions are true: FBI/DOJ have previously leaked info to the press, and then used those same press stories as a separate source to justify FISA’s.”

MEADOWS: I believe that they did. We know that some people at the Department of Justice and FBI actually gave information to the media and then the stories were reported, then they used those reports to justify further investigations. That’s like saying we are going to incriminate on one hand and be the jury on the other. It just doesn’t work that way. So we believe that we will get some clarity on that today. We have some hard evidence that will be hard to refute.

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