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August 2018

‘The View’ Hated McCain… Before They Loved Him By Matt Margolis


Oh, what a difference a few years and Donald Trump make when it comes to how the media treats Senator John McCain.

A few months ago I wrote about how one day the left will be nostalgic for Donald Trump. I noted how the left’s perceptions of George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney have gone from “literally Hitler” to literally “okay.” With regards to John McCain, I noted how Madonna compared him to Hitler during a concert, how he was likened to Nazis in an episode of The Family Guy, and how Slate called him “worse than Bush.”

The media today now have pretty much only nice things to say about the late Sen. John McCain (who’s record of independence has aligned him with Obama and against the GOP on several issues, and even more importantly, against Trump), but this is in stark contrast to how they treated him when he was Barack Obama’s opponent in 2008.

It was a battle of a moderate war hero and a radical noob. McCain’s status as a war hero was somehow not as important as Obama’s community organizing and candidness about his smoking marijuana. McCain was just a crusty old white guy and Obama was the cool young black candidate, and if you didn’t like him, you were racist.

Leftists despicably exploit McCain By Lloyd Marcus


Fake news media’s sudden overwhelming fondness for Republican Senator John McCain is insidiously evil and disgusting. Coldly and calculatingly, the American Left exploits and spins even death to further its mission to undermine President Trump, the Constitution and traditional American principles and values.

The same Democratic hacks and leftist media operatives now praising the late John McCain called him a racist for being white, Republican, and opposing Obama in 2008. As the GOP presidential nominee, McCain’s absurd strategy was to get into the presidential boxing ring with Obama and not lay a glove on him. McCain even instructed his team not to use Obama’s middle name, “Hussein”. Fake news media still mercilessly attacked McCain, even accusing him of “race-baiting”.

These same leftist hypocrites are arrogantly attempting to dictate to Kelli Ward and President Trump how they should respond to McCain’s death.

I attended the final rally of Dr. Kelli Ward’s bus tour in Yuma, Arizona. Ward offered a moment of silence and a prayer for John McCain and his family. I guarantee that Ward’s classy gesture will not be reported by fake news media.

As I stated, the American Left shamefully sees McCain’s death as its latest bludgeon to beat up on conservatives, Republicans, and President Trump.