Cohen Lawyer Lanny Davis Admits He Was Peddling Bogus Info About Russia Collusion By Debra Heine

Michael Cohen’s attorney/spokeman Lanny Davis furiously backpedaled this weekend after making some stunning, potential bombshell claims during his media blitz last week.

Davis suggested last week that his client had flipped, and was ready to share damaging info about President Trump that would be “of interest” to Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the Russia collusion investigation.

Davis, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s longtime consigliere, told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday that Cohen had “knowledge about the computer crime of hacking and whether or not Mr. Trump knew ahead of time about that crime and even cheered it on.”

On Wednesday, Davis told PBS’s NewsHour, “I believe that Mr. Cohen has direct knowledge that would be of interest to Mr. Mueller that suggests — I’m not sure it proves — that Mr. Trump was aware of Russian government agents hacking illegally, committing computer crimes, to the detriment of the candidate who he was running against, Hillary Clinton.”

In another interview on Wednesday, Davis said his client had “information that would be of interest to Mr. Mueller in his probe of a conspiracy to corrupt American democracy, very similar to the indictment of the 12 Russians.”

Impeachment talk reached a fever pitch as members of the Resistance prepared for Trump’s now-certain demise.

Davis’ abrupt about-face came in an interview with the Washington Post on Sunday.

He said “he is no longer certain about claims he made to reporters on background and on the record in recent weeks about what Cohen knows” about Trump’s dastardly collusion activities.

Asked how confident he was that Trump knew about the hacking before it became public, Davis said: “I am not sure. There’s a possibility that is the case. But I am not sure.”

Davis added: “I was giving an instinct that he might have something to say of interest to the special counsel about hacking. In retrospect, I am just not sure.”

The Clinton fixer also threw cold water on CNN’s bombshell report from July that claimed Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian attorney in 2016 — in which he was a source.

Davis told The Washington Post that he cannot confirm media reports that Cohen is prepared to tell special counsel Robert S. Mueller III that Trump had advance knowledge of the 2016 Trump Tower meeting, where Donald Trump Jr. expected to receive damaging information about Clinton from a Russian lawyer.

CNN reported last month that Cohen was claiming to have witnessed Trump being informed of the Russians’ offer by Trump Jr. and that the then-candidate approved the meeting.

The following day, The Post reported that Cohen had told associates that he witnessed an exchange in which Trump Jr. told his father about an upcoming gathering in which he expected to get information about Clinton. The Post did not report that Trump Jr. told his father that the information was coming from Russians.

The information in the Post story, which was attributed to one person familiar with discussions among Cohen’s friends, came from Davis, who is now acknowledging his role on the record. CONTINUE AT SITE

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