David Flint: Donald Trump, Best in the West


Opposed by Democrats, the media and a nefarious cabal of high government officials, this most unlikely president has implemented precisely what he had promised on the stump. Despite the Deep State’s worst efforts to bring him down, his record far exceeds even that of the great Ronald Reagan.

Australia is fortunate indeed that Donald Trump is US President, just as we have been fortunate that we have always been so close to the world’s most powerful nation — first Great Britain, then the United States of America. It is crucial to Australia that the US continue in her powerful role of preserving, protecting and defending Western civilisation based, as it is, on Judeo-Christian values.

Sadly, under the Obama administration, American influence had been allowed to wane, her armed forces under-resourced, action against ISIS circumvented by bureaucratic intervention and those powers most hostile to the West, Iran and North Korea, appeased. Meanwhile, the administration condoned the undermining of the family and traditional values by encouraging undemocratic judicial activism, the high point of which remains the  Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v Wade inventing a constitutional ‘right’ to abortion.

This was done by interpreting the Constitution as a ‘living document’—in other words, the Constitution means whatever the judges say it means.  As the late and great Justice Antonin Scalia maintained, the only proper interpretation must be that the Constitution means what it meant to a reasonable person at the time it was adopted. This is the originalist interpretation.

The judicial activists had made other significant changes to the Constitution. These have ranged from outlawing prayer in the public place to the national adoption of same-sex marriage, all without public approval. Once made, reinforcing propaganda in the media and in the schools has meant that more people gradually accept what had previously been untenable, and that this would even be followed in other countries. Little surprise that the legalisation of abortion began in Australia through judicial activism.

All this went hand in hand with measures taken by the Obama administration.The most infamous was to require schools to allow students to use dressing rooms, showers and lavatories according to their chosen ‘gender’. This is the term preferred by the cultural Marxists to replace ‘sex’, which is biologically determined at birth and not a matter of individual choice,  and part of their agenda against the traditional family.

Meanwhile, obsessed by globalism and the theory of man-made global warming, the Obama administration presided over the decline of the American economy. New energy resources were rendered increasingly inaccessible, while unfair trade and the theft of intellectual property proceeded with impunity. As a result, once flourishing industries were closing down everywhere. At the same time, the borders were thrown open to illegal immigration seen as useful voting fodder for the Democrats.  Americans were told that their lost industries would never return and to accept the decline of their once great nation.

This line was tolerated by a Republican establishment derided by the rank-and-file as RINOs, Republicans In Name Only. This led to the rise of the Tea Party, but too many of those who won office under its banner reverted to being RINOs. The worst example was their  surrender to Obama’s inexplicable nuclear deal with the Iran’s “Death to America” mullahs. Then came the 2016 general election, with the emergence of two anti-establishment Republican candidates, Senator Ted Cruz and  Donald Trump, in a process so democratic the powerbrokers who control Australia’s two major political parties will not tolerate anything like it.

When it became clear that the election would be between the Republican Donald Trump and the Democrat Hilary Clinton, it was obvious to those who believed that America should return to her former position in the world that Trump was by far the better candidate. As I wrote in the Daily Telegraph and Spectator Australia, this was made clear in Trump’s formidable speech at Gettysburg on October 22, 2017. There, in the most meticulous detail, he spelt out exactly how he would achieve this. He even released a list of lawyers committed to an originalist interpretation of the Constitution from which future Supreme Court appointments would be made, a promise which was received with rapture in evangelical circles.

Opposed not only by the Democratic Party but also by the mainstream media and a secretive cabal of powerful high government officials, Trump still won, much to the surprise of the world’s commentariat. While the mainstream media and the cabal have not been prepared to accept this and constantly intensify their attempts to bring him down, he has fulfilled more of his promises in his first year than any other President, even the great Ronald Reagan.

What Australia needs now is a government to complement the re-making of the US that Donald Trump is implementing, one different from the LINOs (Liberals in Name Only) we have now.

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