What I call “splash” news- a blackout of virtually everything else- while pundits parse, praise, and pan high level meetings, is on full display with the recent Kim/Trump summit.

A note of caution; I like Donald Trump and wish him well, but I can’t stop thinking about past “historic meetings”and how they ended.

Nixon/Kissinger went to China in 1972 to meet with  Mao Tse Tung , a, ruthless tyrant and mass murderer and enslaver of millions. In resolving to restore relations with China, they abandoned Taiwan a most reliable ally. Now there was a success. Remember Tiananmen Square in 1989? After several weeks of demonstrations, Chinese troops entered Tiananmen Square on June 4 and fired on civilians. Estimates of the death toll range from several hundred to thousands.

Then in 1978 there was the “historic” Camp David Accord signed after Anwar Sadat went to Jerusalem to bark orders at the Knesset demanding full return of the Sinai Penisula (92% of all land captured in 1967 and retained in 1973 after Egypt lost both wars against Israel). He further demanded a got concessions from Menachem Begin, including promises of “autonomy” for the Arab residents of the West Bank. We see what the promise of”autonomy” has led to. And for the record, the “normal relations” that were established did not halt the sermons and schoolbooks calling for Israel’s destruction.

And then there was the “historic” Oslo accord of September 1993, with handshakes all around among Clinton, Rabin and mass murderer and arch terrorist Yasser Arafat on the lawn of the White House. The media cooed and swooned and seasoned statesmen predicted peace at last in the Middle East. The Israelis gave up shrines and towns to Arab control and the Arabs swiftly destroyed them and resumed terror against civilians in markets, buses, beaches, weddings and restaurants, leaving mangled strollers and dead babies still in their cribs.

So I curb my enthusiasm….rsk




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