Russians for Hillary 2: Diana West

Yesterday, drawing mainly on interviews with the Senate Judiciary Committee, I set forth the direct statements and strong indicators that all four of the “Russians” in the infamous meeting at Trump Tower set up to assist in the election of Donald Trump were against the election of Donald Trump.

Thus a key vector of so-called “Russian collusion” was actually activated by a bunch of Russians for Hillary.

I put “Russians” in quotation marks above because three of the four have American and Russian citizenship both. One is even the longtime business partner of an American lawyer, Edward Lieberman, whose close associations with Bill and Hillary Clinton go back at least as far as when his late wife Evelyn was deputy chief of staff for President Bill Clinton.

In his Senate interview, Rob Goldstone, the Brit who coordinated the meeting via email with Don Jr., by the way, also revealed something of interest in his along these same political lines.

The bizarre series of relationships that led to this 20-minute meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016 center on Goldstone’s capacity as the rep of a Russian pop star, Emin Agalerov, whose “Russian oligarch” father Agar Agalerov had partnered with the Trump organization to stage the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. Approaching Don Jr., Goldstone dangled information from the Russian “Crown prosecutor” via Agar Agalerov via Emin Agalerov that was described as incriminating to Hillary.

Didn’t they get rid of the “Crown” about 100 years ago? Anyway, in his interview with the Senate, Goldstone makes it clear that his client was no Trump partisan, either — despite this (unfulfilled) proffer of political assistance.

Having written to Don Jr. — “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump – helped along by Aras and Emin” — Goldstone drew a line of questioning from Senate staff. In response, Goldstone tried to walk the “government” part back, saying he should have instead said “Russian support,” not “Russia and its government support.” “It’s sort of a bad clause,” he concludes, lamely.

Personally, I would like to have seen a follow-up question regarding whether anyone helped Goldstone write the email and suggested such language, but the interviewer was interested in what Goldstone meant by suggesting Agalerov help.

Q. And other than arranging the June 9th meeting, what form of help did this take?

A. Emin had posted on his social media: My friend Mr. Trump, vote Mr. Trump, he’s done well. He has won in wherever he won.

I may also add that we’re very nonpartisan. A few months before that, we had an idea that Emin had a song called, “Woman,” and we put it to images of Hillary, and I had thought it would be a great thing to suggest to the Clinton campaign, because it was a great song that summed it up. And Emin posted that on his social media as well.  

A few months before … the line of attack was set? Before the “Russian collusion” trap was sprung?

What we know is that four “Russians” and their British faciliator walked into the inner sanctum of the Trump organization under false pretenses. None of them were on the MAGA team, American body or Russian soul.

On the contrary, there were strong sentiments and even connections among them to Hillary Clinton.

But there’s more. Three of the four (Veselnitskaya, Akhmetshin, Somochornov), have been involved in a larger, complex enterprise in Putin’s interest, according to the conventional wisdom: to lobby against Russian sanctions (the Magitsky Act). I emphasize Putin’s interest to highlight the apparent contradiction. “Helping” (colluding with) Trump, according to the party line that was set by our completely discredited “Intelligence Community,” is supposed to help Putin. But these Russian characters all seem to be Hillary lefties, Dems, and even a “progressive.”

And three of the four (that we know of) have links to Kremlin intelligence. Akhmetshin, identified by the House Intelligence Committee as a “former Soviet intelligence officer,” will zig-zag around the question of the nature of his intelligence ties, seemingly depending on whom he is with. The New York Times notes this version of the story: “He told some journalists that he worked with a military counterintelligence unit, but said he never joined Russian intelligence services — unlike his father, sister and godfather.” Clearly, it’s all in the KGB family.

Kavelkadze’s links to the KGB show up to a partnership noted by US authorities circa 2000.

From the Guardian:

Kaveladze, a 52-year-old executive at a Moscow-based property firm with ties to Trump, was found in 2000 to have created hundreds of shell companies for a $1.4bn scheme that US investigators suspected was used to launder Russian money through American banks.

According to US officials, Kaveladze’s partner in that operation was Boris Goldstein, a Soviet-born banker whose ties to former KGB officers attracted interest from US investigators after he moved to California in the early 1990s.

This may be a silly question, but why do Sovet-born bankers with ties to the KGB get to move to California anytime?

“We have obtained information that indicates that this individual [Goldstein] has had a close relationship with companies associated with members of the former Soviet Union’s intelligence agency,” the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) said of Goldstein in a little-noticed footnote to a report in 2000.

And then there is Veselnitskaya. After months of denying any and all connections to the Russian government, Veselnitskaya last month told NBC News, “I am a lawyer, and I am an informant. Since 2013, I have been actively communicating with the office of the Russian prosecutor general.”

What do you know, this news broke on April 27, 2018 — the very day that the final report by the House Intelligence Committee on Russia and the 2016 election became public.

What a coincidence!

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