Displaying posts published in

May 2018



This new edition of The Glazov Gang features Gavin Boby of the Law and Freedom Foundation. Gavin discusses The Horrifying World ofMuslim Rape Gangs, unveiling the vicious terror inflicted on kafir girls – and the monstrous cover-up.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch The Glazov Gang’s special 3-part series with Gavin Boby in which he takes us Inside the World of Muslim Rape Gangs, where he reveals the Islamic theology that inspires them – and the shameless British cover-up that keeps the gangs and their Islamic motivation hidden from public view. (Part III is the edition from which the above clip is taken).

Media Blackout after Anti-Islamist Activist Jailed in England for Reporting on Muslim Rape Gang Trial By Megan Fox


Tommy Robinson, a British activist and journalist, has been arrested outside a Leeds courtroom for livestreaming information about a Muslim gang on trial for raping and grooming hundreds of victims, some as young as eleven. Robinson was taken immediately to prison.

The ongoing trial regards the heinous rape of children as reported by the UK Metro News: “Twenty-six men and two women appeared before a judge at Leeds Crown Court charged with offenses including rape, trafficking, sexual activity with a child, child neglect, child abduction, supplying drugs and making of indecent images of children.”

Hundreds of children were allegedly raped and the defendants are now awaiting a verdict in this case. Muslim rape gangs have been an ongoing problem all over England and the British government has been actively trying to hide the widespread crimes from the public by imposing draconian sanctions for reporting on these trials

Robinson has been arrested before for reporting on similar trials in the past and because he was on a 13-month remanded sentence when he was arrested on Friday, he was put directly in prison, where he is at risk of being attacked by Muslim inmates. Unlike in America, the British media are forbidden from reporting on certain trials, purportedly to avoid prejudicing the jury, but many believe it is to keep the truth from the public. Robinson disobeys the law because he believes, rightly so, that the people are being denied the right to know what is happening in their country. CONTINUE AT SITE

Germany will now train “refugees” to be truck drivers. What could possibly go wrong? By Michael Walsh

Ach, du lieber…

Due to an acute shortage of professional truck drivers the German trucking association has launched a new project to train asylum seekers for the job, Austria’s tabloid Wochenblick reports. The project, which is named “ The drive into your new future” intends to make it easier for asylum seekers to become truck drivers.

In this way, the German Red Cross (DRK) and the Logistics Organization (UVL) want to alleviate the shortage of truck drivers. The concept was developed together with the SVG Driving School North, reports newspaper DVZ. During the training the candidates have to pass through two exams. In addition to its general suitability, the DRK also wants to check the language skills and the status of residence. In addition, a separate “refugee representative” should look after the participants during the three-year training.

The initiative is extremely popular: “Within a few days, 90 interested parties from all over Schleswig-Holstein and even from Hamburg have reported that 50 more refugees have been placed on a waiting list,” says Ilka Hübner, the head of the Red Cross in Kiel. CONTINUE AT SITE

The Destiny of America By Calvin Coolidge-Memorial Day May 30, 2923


President Coolidge delivered this speech on Memorial Day, May 30, 2923, in Northhampton, Massachusetts.

Patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country. In no other nation on earth does this principle have such complete application. It comes most naturally from the fundamental doctrine of our land that the people are supreme. Lincoln stated the substance of the whole matter in his famous phrase, “government of the people; by the people, and for the people.”

The authority of law here is not something which is imposed upon the people; it is the will of the people themselves. The decision of the court here is not something which is apart from the people; it is the judgment of the people themselves. The right of the ownership of property here is not something withheld from the people; it is the privilege of the people themselves. Their sovereignty is absolute and complete. A definition of the relationship between the institutions of our government and the American people entirely justifies the assertion that: “All things were made by them; and without them was not anything made that was made.” It is because the American government is the sole creation and possession of the people that they have always cherished it and defended it, and always will.

Why Patriotic Societies Come to Be
There are two fundamental motives which inspire human action. The first and most important, to which all else is subordinate, is that of righteousness. There is that in mankind, stronger than all else, which requires them to do right. When that requirement is satisfied, the next motive is that of gain. These are the moral motive and the material motive. While in some particular instance they might seem to be antagonistic, yet always, when broadly considered or applied to society as a whole, they are in harmony. American institutions meet the test of these two standards. They are founded on righteousness, they are productive of material prosperity. They compel the loyalty and support of the people because such action is right and because it is profitable.