Rep. Maxine Waters vs. Rep. Kelly: “I Resent The Talk Of ‘Making America Great Again”By Tim Hains

Thursday on the floor of the House Financial Services Committee, Republican Congressman Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania interrupted Rep. Maxine Waters, a Democrat of California, when she was talking about discrimination.

“We’re trying to make America great every day and every way and the best way to do that is to stop talking about discrimination and start talking about the nation,” Kelly, a staunch Trump supporter, scolded Waters. “We’re coming together as a people in spite of what you say.”

“I want you to know that I am more offended as an African-American woman than you will ever be,” Waters said, speaking directly to Kelly. “And this business about making America great again, it is your president that’s dividing this country and don’t talk to me about the fact that we don’t understand… No, I will not yield, no I will not yield. Don’t tell me we don’t understand, that’s the attitude given toward women time and time again.”

Waters did not hold back when the Chairman intervened:

“You did not interrupt [Kelly] when he was making those outrageous remarks about him knowing more about discrimination than I know about discrimination. I resent that, and I resent the talk about making America great again.”

She continued: “He’s down here making a speech [about] this dishonorable president of the United States of America… and no I don’t yield (to Kelly), not one second to you. Not one second. Not one second to you.”

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