A slew of absurd press stories about voters walking away from President Trump By Jack Hellner

Lately, we have been seeing lots of stories about how voters who supported President Trump are moving away from supporting Republicans because of Trump’s policies and that they are going to vote for Democrats in the midterm elections.  Isn’t it amazing that as Trump’s approval ratings gradually go up, we get these stories of Republicans running away?

A huge majority of the journalists writing these stories don’t like Republicans or Republican policies, and the purpose of the stories is to push Republicans to change their votes instead of inform.

The latest theme is that Republicans are going to lose big, and one of the major storylines being repeated over and over again is that Midwestern farmers will vote against Republicans because of Trump’s trade policies.

Are farmers going to go back to Democrats and have their top income tax rate on their farm income raised to 39.6% from 29.6%?  Are they going to embrace the party of endless regulations?  Would they really give up the tax cuts and the reduced regulations because of temporary tariffs meant to finally pressure China?  My guess is most farmers recognize the long-term benefit of Trump’s policies and will vote accordingly.

I believe that worldwide demand for soybeans and corn will be the same, and somehow the product will be shipped to other countries and then shipped to China without the tariffs.  Have Democrats traditionally been free traders?  Here is what the press is reporting:

From his dairy farm in southeastern Nebraska, lifelong Republican Ben Steffen believed Donald Trump meant what he said on the campaign trail about ripping up U.S. trade agreements.

So Steffen, who produces milk, beef, soybeans, corn and wheat, wasn’t shocked when Trump pulled America out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership pact, began renegotiating NAFTA or announced his intent to impose aluminum and steel tariffs on China that have drawn the threat of retaliatory sanctions on American products.

But he is alarmed about the potential costs of Trump’s trade agenda to his own operation and the state’s economy.

Of course, blue-collar workers will also go back to the party that thought manufacturing jobs were leaving for good with higher regulations and taxes as well as run from the additional jobs created, right?

My guess is some blacks, Hispanics, and women may also move Republican because of more jobs and more money in their pockets.  I wonder why the journalists haven’t located them for their articles.  Instead, they are reporting this sort of thing:

A massive new source of public-opinion research offers fresh insights into the fault lines emerging in Donald Trump’s foundation of support.

Previously unpublished results from the nonpartisan online-polling firm SurveyMonkey show Trump losing ground over his tumultuous first year not only with the younger voters and white-collar whites who have always been skeptical of him, but also with the blue-collar whites central to his coalition.

Meanwhile Fox News’s left-wing commentator, Juan Williams, seems confused about evangelicals standing behind Trump.  Does he really believe they should support the party that is for abortion on demand, that wholeheartedly supports with taxpayer money a baby-crunching organization, that rarely supports Israel, that wouldn’t move the embassy, that tries to get prayer out of schools and elsewhere, and that doesn’t seem to want people to see the Ten Commandments?  Democrats also support boys and men in women’s restroom and locker facilities and suing the Little Sisters of the Poor for daring to believe that the First Amendment allows them freedom of religion.

Juan Williams talks about evangelicals losing their souls when they support Trump.  I believe they are much more likely to lose their souls when they wholeheartedly support politicians who give huge taxpayer subsidies to an organization founded by a woman who believed in eugenics and who wanted abortion to kill mentally and physically disabled babies along with babies of certain races to build a better race.

When it comes to the Stormy Daniels story, it is hard for me to understand the silence from evangelical Christians.

Among endless articles about how Republicans are losing votes from different factions, rarely are there any articles about Democrats losing votes from some of their groups.  My guess is that reporters could find quite a few former Democrats who actually like smaller government and capitalism.  Since journalists almost uniformly support Democrats’ liberal policies, they can’t understand anyone being against them.

Democrats should run on their real stances: high taxes, massive regulations, no freedom of choice on health care, abortion on demand, coddling of illegal aliens, sanctuary cities, opposition to voter ID laws, transport of manufacturing jobs overseas, bankrupting of coal companies, blocking of pipelines, and blocking of drilling.  They should brag about how strong Democrats have made Washington, D.C. and how many people they have made dependent on government.

They should also brag about giving Russia 20% of America’s uranium and not helping Ukraine, as well as building up Iran and coddling Russia so they could help Assad.  Red lines are meaningless to Democrats.

Yet Democrats will pretend they are moderates to win seats.

We have been hearing for years how Republicans will need to move left to win, but in the last eight years, they have won over 1,000 seats nationwide while moving generally to more conservative policies.

I look forward to many new Republicans taking over from retiring Republicans.  I have always been for turnover and new blood, so change is good.  The swamp needs to be drained.  The party will not be hurt when congressional leaders such as Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, and others retire.  Democrats would be helped if some of their dinosaurs retired instead.

Image: Durbed, Creative Commons SA 3.0.

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