Carr: OK, Fake Indian, time to either give up the claim or prove it

How much longer do we have to pretend that Elizabeth Warren is anything but a Fake Indian?

It happened again yesterday — President Trump referred to the senior senator from Massachusetts as “Pocahontas,” and the alt-left media went into paroxysms of fake outrage, as if it’s somehow “racism” to call out a fraud like the Fake Indian.

Isn’t the left supposed to despise “cultural appropriation?” What greater cultural appropriation could there be than for Elizabeth Warren to have falsely claimed an ethnic heritage in order to win not one, but two tenured Ivy League law professorships she had absolutely no shot of ever getting until she checked the box?

All of the alt-left pajama boys and trust-funders who were hyperventilating about this yesterday, let me ask you a question:

How come Pocahontas won’t take a DNA test so that we can find out, once and for all, how much Indian blood she really has, if any? Why has she refused my multiple generous offers to pay for her DNA test?

We know she has no card from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, because if she had one, we would have damn well seen it five years ago, when the questions were first raised.

Here’s some other stuff we know:

The New England Historic Genealogical Society can find zero — repeat, zero — evidence of any Native American “ancestors.” We do know that one of her forebears was in the Tennessee militia that forced the Cherokee west toward Oklahoma, and that another ancestor shot a drunken Native American off a horse in the Indian Territory at the turn of the 20th century.

Yes, she once contributed to a Cherokee cookbook called Pow Wow Chow — a haute-cuisine French recipe she lifted from a New York Times cookbook by a chef named Pierre Franey. Apparently cold crab omelet was a very popular dish along the Trail of Tears.

Since all this came out, during the 2012 Senate campaign, the Fake Indian calls herself an Indian about as often as she brags about providing the “intellectual foundations” of the Occupy movement, which is to say, never.

Nowadays she claims she’s “Okie down to her toes.”

Yet, some of the most despicable hacks in Washington are always willing to go on the warpath whenever the president calls her out. In February, it was Sen. Al Franken blasting the president as a “racist” for deriding the Fake Indian as Pocahontas. If Al Franken is defending you … .

But wait, there’s more. Two weeks ago, just days before his own outing as a serial Democrat sexual predator, U.S. Rep. John Conyers mentioned a tweet the president had sent out about “Pocahontas.”

“I believe he is referring to Sen. Elizabeth Warren in that last one,” Conyers babbled. “When Richard Nixon spoke about us that way at least he had the courtesy to do it behind closed doors.”

Us? What do you mean us, Kemosabe? Are you saying that the Fake Indian is in the same tribe as you and Al Franken?

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