Europe’s Death Wish: Edward Cline

“Nothing is creepier than Islam. Challenge Islamic racism, misogyny genocide, and so on.” I thought it would be just desserts to begin by paraphrasing Linda Sarsour and just turn back on her her statement that “Nothing is creepier than Zionism,” which has made the rounds on Twitter and national news. This groomed, but bag-headed, glib, taqiyya-fluent, BDS-champion, and stealth jihadist, has a loud mouth and is a publicity hound and resolutely anti-Trump. She was one of the organizers of the Women’s March in Washington. She has pulled lots of wool over the eyes of the liberal clueless.

But one prominent blogger and spokesman for the West, Bruce Bower, scratched his head and asked, following the dismally concluded French election of May 7th, in his PJMedia article, “What Happened in France?”:

How could Marine Le Pen have lost in a landslide?

Why, after the Brits chose Brexit, and Americans chose Trump, did the Dutch fail Wilders, and the French fail Le Pen?

How could a country that has been hit by several major terrorist attacks in recent years, and that has undergone a more profound social transformation owing to Islamic immigration, vote for business as usual?

… But if you’ve witnessed the reality of Islamization in cities like Rotterdam and Paris and Stockholm, you may well wonder: what, in heaven’s name, will it take for these people to save their own societies, their own freedoms, for their own children and grandchildren?

Bawer reviews the common rationale is that Europeans are still feeling guilty:

One way of trying to answer it is to look at countries one by one. For example, the Brits and French feel guilty about their imperial histories, and hence find it difficult to rein in the descendants of subject peoples. The Germans feel guilty about their Nazi past – and the Swedes feel guilty about cozying up to Nazis – and thus feel compelled to lay out the welcome mat for, well, just about anybody. The Dutch, similarly, are intensely aware that during the Nazi occupation they helped ship off a larger percentage of their Jews to the death camps than any other Western European country, and feel a deep need to atone.

Is it a matter of self-flagellation in the spirit of atonement? “Bible (Exodus 20:5-6; 34:6-7; Numbers 14:18) portray God as “visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children.” Still another part of the Bible (Jeremiah 31:29; Ezekiel 18:2; Job 21:19) rejects this and teach that “sons [shall not] be put to death for their fathers.” The Bible is rich in such bipolar maxims.

I do not subscribe to the moral philosophy of inherited guilt or generational responsibility. Most imperial history should not be apologized for, especially where and when it concerns “the descendants of subject peoples” not to mention the descendants of people who also weren’t even alive during imperial depredations. Some of that history if awful, particularly the Belgian experience in the Congo.

However, were it not for imperial colonial policies, much of the known world would still be in the very Dark Ages, “brutish, nasty, and short.” In fact, where the West retreated and left indigenous populations at the mercy of their murderous tribalist leaders and masters, those people have largely reverted to that condition. (Look at Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia.)The West introduced technology, medicine, literacy, law, longer longevity, higher standards of living, and even the concept of freedom. Much of that is now disappearing. Pick any country on the African continent and it’s the same story, with remaining Westerners under attack, their property confiscated, and explicitly threatened with mass murder and genocidal extinction.

Every time I read some Third World complaint about Western colonialism, I can’t help but hark back to that gem of a Monty Python scene in The Life of Brian, and think, “What has the West given the complainers?”


Bawer asks: What can account for what ails the French?


Postmodernism, of course, is a factor. According to postmodern thinking, no culture is better than any other – and it’s racist to say otherwise. No, scratch that – other cultures are, in fact, better than Western culture. Whites, by definition, are oppressors, imperialists, and colonialists, while “people of color” are victims.


And Muslims are the biggest victims of all.


Bawer scoffs at that notion in a very civilized manner.


Not that that makes any sense. Over the centuries since the religion was founded, Muslim armies have gained control over much of North Africa, the Middle East, and large parts of Europe. Islam itself, by definition, is imperialistic.[Italics mine]


Islam is determined to subjugate the West, and not in exchange for “peace.” “Peace,” in Islamic terms means slavery and dhimmitude, when it will no longer need to fight the “infidel.”


Europeans just don’t “get it.”


Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, the new president of France, is as he has been characterized a better looking version of François Gérard Georges Nicolas Hollande, his failed predecessor, but that’s about it. Macron’s visage doesn’t lend itself to ridicule as Hollande’s has, there have been no flattering photographs of Hollande. In every one I’ve seen, I’ve seen the French version of an upper class twit. Hollande has overseen during his tenure a massive influx of Muslims and endorses the idea of bring in more.


Marcron, another Socialist, apparently is even worse. He believes in nothing and has said that French culture doesn’t exist, nor does the French nation. He is willing to concede the leadership of Europe to Angela Merkel, who is on a one-woman quest to erase Germany’s identity by seeing Germany saturated to the bursting point with culturally hostile and unassimilable Muslims.


Macron is an economist, a Socialist one, which is a contradiction in terms. Socialist economics has invariably resulted in starvation and misery. (Look at Venezuela.) He wishes to erase French identity, as well. During his campaign his confidential emails were hacked and they reveal just how much of an anti-Francophile he is. His public statements about France are just so much blather. The MSM, or at least the French version of it, was cautioned not to publish its contents during the election. Too many people would likely see just how much of a pretty mama’s boy turncoat he is.


The Macron leaks contain secret proposals that would lead to the continued Islamization of France and Europe. These are shown in a PowerPoint presentation which appears to have come from the Institut Montaigne. Harmonizing education between countries on different sides of the Mediterranean is one of the key objectives.
Create a common history textbook with Italy, Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia (3) in order to put in perspective the historical contributions and religious convergences between the two shores of the Mediterranean. 


Within the 3+3 framework, we recommend the creation of a commission of historians responsible for drawing up a common history textbook. The aim of this work will be: 


-to create a common base of objective historical knowledge founded on the logic of a historical “draw” [stalemate] 


– to develop a sense of belonging to a common history


– to reduce the fantasies of victimization on one side as well as civilizational superiority on the other


The document also recommends the introduction of Arabic teaching to French schools, including bi-lingual classes. This is justified by the claim that Muslims are currently getting their “Arabic fix” from mosques, where they risk being radicalized. I previously noted that “soft Islamization” is being advocated as the remedy for “hard Islamization” and that this represents a kind of de facto reward being offered to jihad violence. Jihad gets results. It leads to societies being Islamized, one way or the other.


In short, French and all of European society must assimilate Islamic social norms, not the other way round. That’s Merkel’s plan, as well. Sweden is well on the way to achieving that goal, with the government complicit in the rise in Muslim crime in the country. Get French schoolchildren used to the idea of bowing and scraping to Allah, paying jizya, and letting any random Syrian, Turkish, Somalian, Afghan, Moroccan, or African feel them up and even rape them, and learn not to resent or resist the assault. It’s a lesson in imaginary “atonement.” And learn your Arabic well, and know how to recite the shadada or else your Muslim teacher will do to you what his colleagues did to young people in the Bataclan.


Is Europe in the terminal stage of a death wish? I think so. Its foundational driver is altruism, together with a desire to let the state establish moral norms. People will not let them go. I don’t know that Bruce Bawer would agree with that prognosis. He lives in Norway and has witnessed first-hand the consequences of what a refusal to identify the aims and methods of Islam, of a willingness to defraud reality, wherever he goes in Postmodern, expiring Europe which continues to bring in freighter loads of immigrants.



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