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May 2017

Antifa Violence Will End Badly by Edward Cline

An ex-Marine and blogger by the name of David Risselada published on Freedom Outpost an interesting and probing analysis of Antifa, “Antifa: Useful Idiots Too Brainwashed to Know They are Being Used.”

They are so brainwashed, writes Risselada, that they refuse – nay, are unable to see the contradictions pregnant in their violent actions – because contractions are either “white” constructs of the privileged order, or are direct permutations of Communist/Nazi ideology, and therefore can be dismissed with a fist in the face or a kick in the head. They do not believe in debate; their only recognized form of argumentation is physical violence. The brown shirts in training (other than college students) propose to oppose fascism by adopting fascist activism, which employs the physical obstruction of freedom of speech (and other civil liberties) with violent and passive means (but mostly violent). Britannica defines and discusses fascism:

Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from each other, they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, and a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.

Ostensibly, Antifa poses as being an anti-establishment force to contend with, when in practice and in ideology (what there is of one) it is and will remain part of the establishment, as a kind of Mafia enforcer. There are no “victims” of Antifa violence. Only “fascists.” Risselada writes:

Across the nation, the group Antifa is continuing its call for revolution by staging massive riots and acts of violence against innocent people. They are pushing the narrative that they are engaged in a revolutionary struggle against Fascism and that the time to act is now in order to stand against oppression. They have been brainwashed to believe that America represents racism and our constitution was written only to protect the interests of a few privileged white men. They are demanding an end to constitutional government and the enactment of a communist system which they believe will be fairer. In this facebook video posted by Columbus Ohio Antifa, they are asking military veterans to remember their oaths and join their national militia. Obviously, these people have no idea what they are talking about nor do they have any clue what it means to take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.


This new special edition of The Glazov Gang presents the Daniel Greenfield Moment with Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center and editor of The Point at Frontpagemag.com.

Daniel discussed Communism’s Murderous Inspiration for the Left — from Portland to Venezuela to the New York Times.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch the special episode of The Glazov Gang that featured Dr. Jordan Peterson, a Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto. Dr. Peterson shared his views on Non-Traditional Gender Pronouns, unveiling the dire consequences of the control of language now reaching the legislative level in Canada: