The Bridges to Islam, or Interfaith Dialogue. Muslims know that Islam is not negotiable. Edward Cline

The world is having a conniption fit seizure, “triggered” by Donald Trump.  The main victim of this ongoing seizure is the MSM. Call it cultural and political epilepsy, it’s not pretty to look at.  I am reminded of a childhood experience with witnessing these seizures.

In grade school, for a reason never explained to me or to anyone else, my class for years was burdened with a boy (Robert) who was not only mentally ill and deficient in how to perform every day actions (such as reading or tying his shoe laces), but was subject to unarticulated fits in class when he drooled, frothed at the mouth, and became violent, so violent that it would require all the strength of a nun (and the nuns in my school were mostly burly and hefty; one of them, the gargantuan Sister Barbarossa, could beat up a school foot ball player) to subdue him – Robert was as strong as a bull – but also need the help of the bigger boys to literally hold him down in his seat-desk until an ambulance showed up to take him away.

The episode that sticks in my mind now, however, is when he stood at the top of a small cliff that overlooked the neighboring school playground and began to throw rocks at us. Big rocks.

It was never revealed why Robert was even in the school and not in a facility that could treat and handle his condition. It was a Catholic, private school (Nativity Parish School) and cost money to send a child there; so doubtless he was enrolled there by state mandate, or because of some dangerous physician’s recommendation, and so someone else was paying the bill.

The behavior of the MSM towards President Trump and his surprising, “shock –to-the-system” election in November are so similar to Robert’s frequent and frightening outbursts that I couldn’t help but dwell on the parallels. In fact, it has been the MSM’s behavior that caused me to recall Robert.

Wikipedia writes:

Epileptic seizures are the result of excessive and abnormal nerve cell activity in thecortex of the brain…. The word epilepsy is from Ancient Greek: ἐπιλαμβάνειν ” to seize, possess, or afflict.”

Daniel Greenfield’s article “If We Don’t Let In Muslims To America They’ll Kill Us” of February 10th highlights the madness that has gripped the MSM and many politicians. His column title was taken directly from a statement by Connecticut Senator  Chris Murphy:

Trump’s executive order is “going to get Americans killed,” Senator Murphy declared.

The Connecticut Democrat was joining a chorus of the clueless warning us that if we don’t let Muslims into America, they’ll join ISIS and kill us.
Singing their brains out in the same stupid chorus were Senator McCain and Senator Graham (“a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism”), Senator Ben Sasse (“the terrorist recruiters win by telling kids that America is banning Muslims”) and Senator Heitkamp (“confirms the lie terrorists tell their recruits: that America iswaging a war on Islam.”)….

Senator Cardin went one better by whining that keeping potential Islamic terrorists out, “promises to make the U.S. less safe and places our courageous servicemen and women in even greater danger as they fight against terrorism.” Just tell it to the Marines shot and killed by a Muslim immigrant at a Chattanooga recruiting station and Naval reserve center.

There’s only one problem with this hostage crisis theory of immigration. It’s insane.


Singing their brains out in the same stupid chorus were Senator McCain and Senator Graham (“a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism”), Senator Ben Sasse (“the terrorist recruiters win by telling kids that America is banning Muslims”) and Senator Heitkamp (“confirms the lie terrorists tell their recruits: that America iswaging a war on Islam.”)….

Senator Cardin went one better by whining that keeping potential Islamic terrorists out, “promises to make the U.S. less safe and places our courageous servicemen and women in even greater danger as they fight against terrorism.” Just tell it to the Marines shot and killed by a Muslim immigrant at a Chattanooga recruiting station and Naval reserve center.

There’s only one problem with this hostage crisis theory of immigration. It’s insane.

The “masculine” David by Michelangelo (1501-04)

Galleria dell’Accademia, Florence

The manly way to confront Islam

Greenfield asks the logical question,

“If keeping Muslim migrants out of America will make them kill us, why would we let them in?”

But logic and reason are not buffered into the minds of anti-immigrant activists and fascists. You may as well prescribe Xanex to a raving berserker and expect him to count backwards from 100.

I remarked in a comment on Greenfield’s column:

But do politicians like Senator Murphy really hate this country so much that they’d want to expose it and its citizens to harm? I don’t know. Examining the contents of insane men’s heads is not a wholesome or inspiring profession. But the fundamental problem with him and his ilk in the whole anti-immigration ban movement from Capitol Hill to the Women’s March to the riotingAntifa ninja goons of Berkeley and the immigrant riots that are reducing Paris, France to a shell of it former self to the 9th Federal District Court and Judge Robart’s bench to Angela Merkel’s policies, is that their hold on causo-connections in reality, in their thinking, and in their actions is tenuous, if not non-existent. That deficiency does not sire logic, but instead advances the fulfillment of a tenacious Marxist fantasy that imperils nations and civilized society. If they wish it to be true, then it will become true.

I’ve always said that when you tell the “needy” and the “oppressed to  “come and get it,” your pockets will soon be empty: Altruism kills. It kills nations and cultures. Look at France, Sweden, and Germany.  Doing the “right thing” – the altruist thing – to atone for past real or alleged crimes against groups, by allowing millions of savages entry into a civilized nation, is costing those countries untold millions in damages and countless crimes committed again the indigenous citizens. It was a longish comment but there were relevant points to make. There have been no rebuttals that count for anything, except for emotionalist rants.

Unswerving fealty to the Progressive/Marxist philosophy that currently governs economics, political principles, social relationships, education, freedom of speech and the First Amendment, et. al, has no basis in reality but is rooted in the death grips of fantasy worship and wishful thinking and a desire to bring the great down to the level of the mediocre. That agenda has always failed and will always fail, no matter how many times it’s advocated and imposed and regardless of the evidence of the consequent and incalculable death and misery it’s caused. They say, “Drink the poison, it’s nutritious! Eat your spinach, never mind that it’s laced with arsenic!”

More insanity has emanated from our holier- than-thou Social Justice Warrior in the Vatican “Islamic terrorism doesn’t exist.”  Pope Francis announces and chooses to not let anyone off the hook of his self-righteousness:

In an impassioned address Friday, Pope Francis denied the existence of Islamic terrorism, while simultaneously asserting that “the ecological crisis is real.”

On an “ecological” note, he did not condemn the Paris rioters for burning cars and tires in the street, releasing clouds of poisonous black smoke into the sky. I guess the smoke was irrelevant. After all, Pope Francis will not be coated with it.

“Christian terrorism does not exist, Jewish terrorism does not exist, and Muslim terrorism does not exist. They do not exist,” Francis said in his speech to a world meeting of populist movements.

What he apparently meant is that not all Christians are terrorists and not all Muslims are terrorists—a fact evident to all—yet his words also seemed to suggest that no specifically Islamic form of terrorism exists in the world, an assertion that stands in stark contradiction to established fact.

Au contraire, Francis, afraid of “offending” the most sensitive members of the most belligerent religion in modern history, Christian and Jewish terrorism doesn’t exist. Only Islamic. Like any politically correct halfwit, he chooses not to acknowledge facts and Islamic terrorism.

Still, Pope Francis, the Argentine communist, like senorita Nina, will not dance with reality, and absolutely refuses to engage with it.

Speaking of immigration to the U.S., Ann Corcoran of The Center for Security Policy, details the ongoing influx of Muslims into the U.S. in her Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America (Center for Security Policy, 2015), an influx that is deliberate and, for all practical purposes, “on time” and growing per Islamic doctrine and per the American government’s skewered immigration policy, that favors “refugees” from “war-torn” regions and from most Islamic pest holes. She writes:

Islamic doctrine holds that Mohammed is the perfect Muslim and, therefore, that emulation of his life is evidence of the highest level of devotion for the faithful. According to the sacred texts and traditions of Islam , Mohammed left his home town of Mecca in the 7th century and traveled  with a small band of followers  to the city of Yatrib (now Medina) , in what has become known as the hijra (migration). He did so with the intent of establishing a new base of operations from which to conquer and rule.

Hijra remains the model to this day for jihadists who seek to populate and dominate new lands.  Their migrations are not for the purpose of assimilating peacefully in a new host nation, adopting as their own its traditions and legal systems. Rather, Mohammed’s followers, in keeping with the example established by their prophet , are driven first to colonize and then to transform non-Muslim target societies – whether through violent means or via stealthy, pre-violent ones favored by the Muslim Brotherhood when it is not powerful enough to use violence decisively. (p. 7)

The “girly” David by Andrea del Verrocchio

(1473-1475) Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

Corcoran quotes the unstoppable Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician who stands a good chance of upending the Dutch government come the next elections later this year.

After citing former Libyan leader Moammar Quadafi’s famous observation that Europe would be conquered without guns and swords, but with Muslim migrants over-running the Continent, Dutch Parliamentarian and leader of the Party for Freedom Geert Wilders….said in his endorsement of [Sam Solomon’s] Modern Day Trojan Horse:

*[O]ne can see that the threat from Islam doesn’t just come in the form of Islamic terrorism by suicide bombers trying to wreak havoc in our cities. More often, it comes in the form of gradual and incremental transformation of our societies and legal systems, or what is termed ‘Islamisation of our democratic societies by the vast growing numbers of Muslim immigrants who are importing Islam into Western way of life.

Many in the West do not see the dangers  that Islamisation poses to our civilisation. Especially he ruling elite, who refuse to take action to counter  Islamisation by prohibiting  Sharia Law, or to take measures to regulate mass immigration. (emphasis added)

Wilders says it more clearly and with more authority than I can muster from having observed only a small but significant wedge of the Muslim immigration process taking place in America over the last seven years. [p. 13-14]

Corcoran clarifies some issues that have been largely lost in the vociferous hullabaloo about the “evil” of President Trump’s alleged “Muslim ban,” issues lost, forgotten, or papered over by the government and its open-borders, pro-immigration fence gossipers.

The Refugee Act of 1980 expanded the migration from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, but was aimed at anther immigrant population – largely low-skilled and poorly educated “refugees,” supposedly all fleeing persecution, who are in need of government [i.e., taxpayer] support. In the early days of the program, most were escaping Communism….The most attractive legal avenue to enter the U.S. is as a “refugee” or successful asylum seeker, because, in such cases, one is given a case worker to help secure employment and is immediately eligible for all forms of welfare. (brackets mine)

It should be further noted that there is often confusion about the definition of a refugee and someone granted political asylum (an asylee). A refugee or asylum seeker must prove that he or she is persecuted for one of several reasons  — political persecution, religion, nationality, or race – and cannot return safely to one’s country of origin.

The difference between the two is how they reach America. A refugee is selected and screened abroad and flown here (at taxpayer expense), while an asylum seeker reaches our borders on his or her own steam and then asks for asylum to be granted. (p. 15)

The androgynous David by Donatello (1440s?)

Museo Nazionale del Bargello

I should mention at this point Ted Kennedy’s Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, or the Hart-Celler Act, as vile and malicious a piece of legislation as was ever conceived vis-à-vis immigration issues.

The Hart–Celler Act of 1965 marked a radical break from the immigration policies of the past. Previous laws restricted immigration from Asia and Africa, and gave preference to northern and western Europeans over southern and eastern Europeans.[2] In the 1960s, the United States faced both foreign and domestic pressures to change its nation-based formula, which was regarded as a system that discriminated based on an individual’s place of birth.

Doubtless, the Hart-Celler Act fueled the passage of theRefugee Resettlement Act of 1980, which is the central focus of Corcoran’s book. The Hart-Celler Act purports to fight “racism” by being racist to its roots. In practice this is not how it works out. Christians and other non-Muslim refugees and asylum seekers, even though they have been demonstrably persecuted or the object of literal genocide (such as the Yazids and Christians) have been given short shrift, while the government, working with so-called “charities,” bestow overwhelming preference to Muslims of all hues , most of them assimilation-resistant and often overtly hostile to assimilation.

Indeed, these Muslim groups expect Americans to assimilate in deference and in submission to Islam. Assimilation to a host culture (and obeisance to its legal structure) has never been the goal of Muslim “resettlement,” but rather conquest by demographics. This is in conformance to the Muslim Brotherhood explanatory memorandum of 1991, not only in terms of demographics, but also in “civilizational jihad” against a country’s core institutions, such as its legal foundations (to elevateSharia law over Western law) .

The federal government is the taxpayer-filled trough from which many “private” so-called charities dip their snouts to enable especially Muslim resettlement in the U.S.  Corcoran identifies the culprits (although I would call them swine, also because their administrators profit personally from the gratuities to be had from the refugee dole). The following are the main “charities” listed by Corcoran together with their federal tax returns per their total revenues:

The Church World Service (CWS):  total revenue – $76,185,774

Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) secular: total revenue –  $15,244,802

Hebrew Migration Ministries (EMM) (Officially The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA: total revenue – $17,365,325

Under the name of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS): total revenue — $25,418,714

International Rescue Committee (IRC) secular: total revenue – $456,122,865

US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) secular: total revenue – $39,205,548

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS): total revenue – $43,563,804

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB): total revenue – approx. $70,975,237 (according to its Annual Report 2014

World Relief Corporation (WR): total revenue – and $56,842,649

(pp.  51-56)

No chump change here. The top salaries of many of the administrators are uniformly over $200,000 a year. While they are eager to bring in countless “poor,” the administrators enrich themselves, beyond the dreams of actual wage-earners and people who do productive work. You can bet that they do not live anywhere close to a Muslim “community.”

Corcoran further notes:

The USCCB, by the way, resettles the largest number of refugees in the US with the help of Catholic Charities located throughout America. They make no effort to single out Christians for resettlement and in fact, in 2013…were requesting that the U.S. State Department bring more Rohingya Muslims from Burma (Mynmar) to America. (p. 55)

Alruism is where the money is.

….As we learned earlier in this report, the US resettles more refugees than all other nations combined. (p. 57)

Corcoran’s book is an invaluable, revealing study, which among other things, sheds unflattering light on the “big business” of refugee resettlement. It is a kind of police “rap sheet.”

These well-compensated refugee “resettlers” all suffer from moral epilepsy. They are willing to throw rocks at America as long as there’s money in it.

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