Mohajer vs. Greenfield on Trump’s Travel Restrictions — on The Glazov Gang.

In this new special edition of The Glazov Gang we host a debate between Alex Mohajer, a Huffington Post Writer and Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Bros For America and Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center and editor of The Point

Alex and Daniel went toe-to-toe on President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration, in which they tackled the issue of how to best fight terror, if Trump is legitimate in his approach, the nature of Islam, and much more.

Don’t miss it!

And don’t miss The Glazov Gang’s debate between Saba Ahmed, an Islamic Lobbyist with the Republican Muslim Coalition, and Nonie Darwish, an ex-Muslim who is the author of The Devil We Don’t Know.

Mohajer vs. Greenfield on Trump’s Travel Restrictions — on The Glazov Gang.
Huffington Post Writer and Shillman Fellow go toe-to-toe on Trump’s executive order on immigration.

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