
Do black lives matter?

Hispanic lives? Muslim lives? Gay lives? Women’s lives?

Black lives matter – to me, at least – if blacks adhere to reason, lead productive, non-parasitical lives, do not demand the unearned, and, to paraphrase Martin Luther King, Jr., if blacks judge others, blacks, whites, Asians, Arabs, Hispanics, Muslims (not actually a “race,” just as Islam is not a “race,” either), Mexicans, Cubans, and so on, that is, judge an individual by the content of his character. This is how I expect to be judged, and how I judge others. I otherwise place no importance on a person’s color.

But this is not what Black Lives Matter (BLM) means. BLM is grounded on race and a hatred for whites and the police. The hatred is so severe that BLM has declared war on the police. It is a terrorist organization, whether or not the government recognizes it as one. It has declared war on the police to effect “change” in how the police handle blacks in their encounters. Often it is black policemen who shoot or “mistreat” violent blacks in the course of self-defense, and these policemen have also been deemed “fair targets” by BLM for murder and harassment. Their “blackness” does not exempt them from murder.

It is a black subculture, perpetuated by the government and the welfare state, which rejects civilization, which BLM perceives as an oppressor. Although what blacks as a “collective” would replace it with has never been answered except for a “racial supremacy of blacks.” In that respect it is similar to Islam’s goal of dominating every country in the world.

Readers should be reminded that nothing like Locke’s Two Treatises of Government ever came out of the Congo or Egypt or the Sub-Sahara. Whatever there is to value in the West that serves as a benchmark of life-affirming progress was produced in the “lily-white” north – across the Mediterranean.

Some historians and cultural writers contend that climate played a big role in the development or Western civilization, so that blacks living in deserts or in fetid, smothering jungles were at a disadvantage to improve agriculture or invent steam engines and even to study the skies.

This is not an endorsement of the racist notion (advanced by creatures like the Aryan Nation and others) that whites are genetically superior to blacks or any other race.

Left out of the narrative is the role of reason.

This will not be the central subject of this column, but I am repelled by today’s black subculture. It is anti-reason, anti-esthetics, anti-everything that comports with a civilized society, and is a belligerent expression of self-hatred projected onto the “white race.” Today’s black “entertainers” are not of the caliber of past black singers and musicians as Cab Calloway and Louis
Armstrong and Billy Holiday.

Any blacks who have achieved anything in today’s contentious racial environment (an environment encouraged and perpetuated by Barack Obama) are hated by BLM. This hatred is exacerbated by the MSM, which is largely Left and similarly reason-deficient and/or hostile. Blacks who have achieved anything of value to anyone – and BLM members and advocates also benefit from advances in medicine, engineering, law, and so on, although they would never recognize them – are dismissed and demeaned as “Uncle Toms” or “Oreo Cookies.” They are smeared as “sell-outs” to the white race, when in fact those blacks “sold out” to reason and pro-life values. Reason, as a tool of human survival, is color blind.

Not meaning to open a can of worms, I have read several books in the past that discuss the idea that the “West” was superior only because of its moderate climate or other, circumstantial external factors. I have never been convinced or persuaded by them.

On the other side of the issue is Martin Bernal’s’s multi-volume, reconstructive, pseudo-scholarly explanation of how “whites” benefited from African/Asian civilization, Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization (The Fabrication of Ancient Greece 1785-1985), or stole ideas from African cultures but fabricated the superiority of “white” Western civilization. Western civilization is a fraud, the books claim.

Bernal’s opus was on one hand criticized for the paucity of archeological evidence that would support his thesis, but it was also welcomed by many anti-West scholars, who now count in the dozens if not scores throughout academia.

Some commenters on the Quora site are skeptical of Bernal’s scholarship.

Johannes Musch, Archaeologist

Written Dec 8, 2015

Martin Bernal’s “Black Athena” has been criticized by various authors, like the historians François-Xavier Fauvelle [1], Edith Hall  [2] and the Egyptologist James Weinstein  [3] . It should be noted that Martin Bernal wasn’t specialized in Egyptian archaeology, history and linguistics in the first place. Therefore his work should be considered merely as the interested view of an outsider.


[1] Lefkowitz, Mary R. & Maclean Rogers, Guy, eds. – Black Athena Revisited

[2] The Black Athena (Part4)

Black Lives Matter’s main thesis is that whites are the problem for blacks. Blacks are “forced” to live in a “white” society, but for some unnamed reason this creates conflicts, and it indirectly asserts that this is a twain that shall – or should – never meet. BLM does not want reconciliation between whites and blacks (as though in a society governed by reason one would be needed); that would deflate any argument for declaring war on whites and the police. There is no “natural” conflict between whites and blacks; any that may arise are artificial and bogus and angles for political power.

BLM is basically a virulent spin-off of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam ( NOI), one of whose founding tenets is that whites were an invention of a mad black scientist to replace the dominant black race with whites (by kind of switching newborns in a hospital crèche after delivery, or by murdering them).

The Nation of Islam’s mythology goes:

Elijah Muhammad once said that the Moon was once a part of the Earth, and that the Earth is over 76 trillion years old. The entire land mass on the Earth was called “Asia”. This was, Elijah Muhammad claimed, long before Adam. Elijah Muhammad declared that Black People in America are descendants of the Asian black nation and of the tribe of Shabazz. He writes on page 31 in his monumental book, “Message to the Blackman in America”, “…who is this tribe of Shabazz? Originally, they were the tribe who came with the earth (or this part) 66 trillion years ago when a great explosion on our planet divided it into two parts. One we call earth and the other moon. This was done by one of our scientists, God, who wanted the people to speak one language, one dialect for all, but was unable to bring this about….”

Wallace Fard Muhammad taught that the original peoples of the world were black and that white people were a race of “devils” created by a scientist named Yakub (the Biblical and Qur’anic Jacob) on the Greek island of Patmos. According to the supreme wisdom lessons, Fard taught that whites were devils because of a culture of lies and murder that Yakub instituted on the island to ensure the creation of his new people. Fard taught that Yakub established a secret eugenics policy among the ruling class on the island. They were to kill all dark babies at birth and lie to the parents about the child’s fate. Further, they were to ensure that lighter-skinned children thrived in society. This policy encouraged a general preference for light skin. It was necessary to allow the process of grafting or making of a lighter-skinned race of people who would be different.

Black Lives Matter’s narrative meshes nicely with NOI’s insanity, an insanity that verges on, if not surpasses, a diagnosis of “racial schizophrenia”. It is not an organization that seeks reason or reconciliation. It is one that has a vested interest in victimhood, which in turn sanctions warfare against the police and whites in general.

#BlackLivesMatter was created in 2012 after Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, was acquitted for his crime, and dead 17-year old Trayvon was posthumously placed on trial for his own murder. Rooted in the experiences of Black people in this country who actively resist our dehumanization, #BlackLivesMatter is a call to action and a response to the virulent anti-Black racism that permeates our society. Black Lives Matter is a unique contribution that goes beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people by police and vigilantes….

When we say Black Lives Matter, we are broadening the conversation around state violence to include all of the ways in which Black people are intentionally left powerless at the hands of the state.  We are talking about the ways in which Black lives are deprived of our basic human rights and dignity….

#BlackLivesMatter is working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.  We affirm our contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.  We have put our sweat equity and love for Black people into creating a political project–taking the hashtag off of social media and into the streets. The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation.

Nowhere in BLM literature are any facts cited, for example, as they are by the noted black intellectual, Walter Williams of George Mason University. In his January 19th article, “The Black Community and Crime,” he writes:

The FBI reported that the total number of homicides in 2015 was 15,696. Blacks were about 52 percent of homicide victims. That means about 8,100 black lives were ended violently, and over 90 percent of the time, the perpetrator was another black. Listening to the news media and the Black Lives Matter movement, one would think that black deaths at the hands of police are the major problem. It turns out that in 2015, police across the nation shot and killed 986 people. Of that number, 495 were white (50 percent), 258 were black (26 percent) and 172 Hispanic (17 percent). A study of 2,699 fatal police killings between 2013 and 2015, conducted by John R. Lott Jr. and Carlisle E. Moody of the Crime Prevention Research Center, demonstrates that the odds of a black suspect’s being killed by a black police officer were consistently greater than a black suspect’s getting killed by a white officer. Politicians, race hustlers and the news media keep such studies under wraps because these studies don’t help their narrative about racist cops.

Thomas Sowell, another black intellectual and a prolific author (once a Marxist, he wrote one of the best refutations of Marxism, to which BLM subscribes in terms of racial instead of “class” warfare), noted in his July 2013 article, “Who is Racist?

I am so old that I can remember when most of the people promoting race hate were white.

Apparently other Americans also recognize that the sources of racism are different today from what they were in the past. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 31 percent of blacks think that most blacks are racists, while 24 percent of blacks think that most whites are racist.

A marriage of political ends between Islam and BLM was in the cards. The Counter Jihad Report of January 9th stresses:

Despite the outcome of the election, and the outpouring of support for the upcoming administration, there is an agenda by individuals and their organizations that wish to disrupt and dismantle the future of this presidency.

This Starts January 14, The Weekend Of Martin Luther King Jr.’S Birthday, And DOES NOT STOP Till This Regime Is Prevented From Ruling. This Is The Kind Of Political Crisis Needed At This Moment In History. It Has Happened Before, And It Can Happen Again”.

“This Massive Outpouring And Uprising Of Millions Must Be Built Through Ongoing, And Increasing, Acts Of Defiance And Resistance, In Every Corner Of Society. We Propose That This Month Officially Begin With Acts Of Resistance On December 19, The Day Of The Electoral College Voting And Extend To The Inauguration”.

This, taken from a website that essentially is calling for the overthrow of the Trump administration. This initiative, led by terrorists, communists, Marxists and every other “ist”, is a blatant call to action which should be of concern for  all Americans. One of its leaders is former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. The same Bill Ayers responsible for the bombings of the New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.

In addition to Communist thugs like Cornel West, and Charles Dix, Muslims have also called for a revolution in America….

Somewhere behind Oz’s curtain are other groups drooling for their chance to cause chaos in cities across America. Groups like Black Lives Matter, Mpower Change, a Muslim grassroots group, and ANSWER (The Act Now to Stop War & End Racism) are just some of the groups that have sought permits to protest the day of the inauguration. MPower Change, founded by Arab/Hamas supporter Linda Sarsour is also part of the Women’s March, to be held on January 21. [I gather that the “M” in Mpower stands for Muslim.]

Veritas, the Roman goddess of truth,

who hid in a well, in time

to emerge with the truth

James O’Keefe and his Veritas operatives revealed a plot to stop or sabotage Trump’s inauguration with various dangerous actions that technically qualify for a designation of terrorism. President Trump owes him and his organization a great nod of thanks. With luck, the people recorded in the “brainstorming” session in a pizza parlor by now have been arrested and charged with conspiracy.

Black Lives Matter should be dissolved as well as CAIR and ICNA and ISNA and the Muslim American Society, and all their Muslim Brotherhood affiliates should be crushed and their heads charged with treason and being domestic advocates of “change” to a totalitarian society and government in America. If anyone deserves a Medal of Freedom, it is O’Keefe.

Black Lives Matter and Islam have a natural affinity, born particularly of the NOI’s cracked brain anti-white and anti-Semitism. The Nation of Islam and creatures like the former pastor of Barack Obama, Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright are all cut from the same vicious, anti-life cloth.

To my knowledge, BLM has had nothing to say about the murder rate in Chicago, most of whose victims, including children, were black at the hands of gun-toting black gang members. Apparently, the lives of black murder victims do not matter. It is only the deaths of whites and policemen that matter.

The BLM site avers: “The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation.”

The “liberation” of blacks from black gangsters is not on Black Lives Matter’s agenda. However, if you strive for your freedom from BLM terror, you risk being killed, regardless of your skin color. That fits into BLM’s program.

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