Would you go to a doctor who prescribed leeches, told you that in all past medical trials the leeches produced no cure but also had severe side effects and on occasion death? Silly question? Well, among the properly outraged supporters of Israel are the boo-hoo crowd who are shocked, shocked that the infamous UN resolution will impede the two state dissolution…..A “remedy” that has produced more violent side effects and death. Here is a letter published in today’s Wall Street Journal by someone who really gets it:

The U.N. is telling Israel that it must commit suicide.

In reaction to William A. Galston’s Dec. 28 Politics & Ideas “Trump Could Be Even More Wrong on Israel”:

Here’s a two-state solution: How about we carve out a chunk of territory here in the U.S. for ISIS? Oh, that makes us uncomfortable? So why does the West try to jam that same idea down Israel’s throat? Create a country out of your country for your sworn enemies.

What’s even more illogical to me, the only reason there’s a debate about settlements is because Arab coalitions from all sides twice—1967 and 1973—tried to wipe Israel out and failed so badly that they lost territory to the victor. Under exactly what Geneva protocol is the winner required to give the loser a country? To cap the absurdity, the Palestinian state—which does not exist—is a voting member of the U.N. Security Council. If the Palestinians want a state so badly, how about the losers of the wars get together and provide some territory? If that’s not acceptable, the West should shut keep quiet and stop trying to govern Israel from abroad.

Tim Quast



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