The vile Resolution in the United Nations did not take place in a vacuum. Over the years Victor Sharpe has been making the case for Israel, exposing libel and ignorance .

Here are some of his excellent columns:


Victor Sharpe: Western European nations are now submerged in an ever growing, Sharia compliant, Islamic monster that is within the gates. In a generation or two, France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Holland, the Scandinavian countries and Britain may no longer retain a Judeo-Christian culture or civilization except in small pockets; always besieged by a Muslim majority they so foolishly allowed to grow and strengthen within their borders. (ED: Victor’s excellent analysis is probably the best article you will read this week – or this year.  Take a few minutes to read and digest this.)
Canada Free Press

Sovereignty now, or never
Victor Sharpe: For 47 long years since the liberation of biblical Jewish Judea and Samaria from illegal Jordanian occupation – territory the world grotesquely prefers to call the “West Bank” – the beloved Jewish heartland has remained in a political limbo and not been fully or even partially annexed.  Israel’s foolish failure to take sovereign control of its own historical, physical and spiritual heartland has allowed a hostile world to thus assume that Israel itself does not believe it has legal sovereignty in the territory.
Arutz Sheva

Tell the basic facts over and over again
Victor Sharpe:  In June, 1976, during a visit to London, the former Israeli Prime Minister, Mrs. Golda Meir, was asked what needed most to be done for her country in the field of information. Her answer was, “Tell people the basic facts about Israel and Israel’s case over and over again.”
Family Security Matters

A people are not “settlers” in their own land

Victor Sharpe: When did it become an accepted truism that a so-called peace between Israel and the predominately Muslim Arabs, those who call themselves Palestinians, requires that Israel give to them it’s very biblical birthright for a mess of potage?
Renew America

The counterfeit Arabs
Victor Sharpe: They are the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians. They are indistinguishable from those Arabs who live in the surrounding artificial states such as Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia or the other entities throughout the Middle East created by the colonial powers, France and Britain. Both powers were victorious after the Ottoman Turkish Empire lay defeated at the end of World War 1.

Palestine is a geographical area, not a nationality
Victor Sharpe: The Arabs invented a special national entity in the 1960s called the Palestinians, specifically for political gain. They brand Israelis as invaders and claim the geographic area called Palestine belongs exclusively to the Arabs.
Jerusalem Connection

The Historical Perspective

Maps by Myths and Facts

A succinct outline of Israel’s problem:

Analysis:  From the River to the Sea
Victor Sharpe: The accepted wisdom now exercising the minds of Obama, his problematic advisors, the State Department, and the legions of people who have succumbed to the churning mills of the Arab propaganda machine, is that there exist a people called Palestinians with a distinct history who lived in an independent Arab state called Palestine.  It is a lie, perhaps the greatest scam in history. It is a fraudulent history of a fraudulent people in a fraudulent land.
Family Security Matters

The Two-State-Solution: A fatal trap
Victor Sharpe: The Two-State-Solution is yet another appalling euphemism which in reality will spell out the eventual destruction of the reconstituted Jewish state and the extermination of its people by a Muslim world that will never accept a non-Muslim nation and will wage eternal war against it until it is utterly destroyed.
Canada Free Press

The two state solution: history’s negation
Victor Sharpe: I have long urged Israelis and pro-Israelis alike to stop using the term, “settlements,” in English when describing Jewish communities in Israel and, instead, begin calling them by what they are; villages, towns or cities. After all, Arab communities are always referred to as villages, not settlements, even though many have existed for far fewer years than many Jewish villages.
Canada Free Press

In prayer, Jews face Jerusalem but Muslims face Mecca
Victor Sharpe: A well-reasoned argument explaining why Jerusalem must remain the undivided and eternal capital of Israel.
Israel News Daily



Mar 29, 2009 – The TwoState Solution is 87 Years Old. By Victor Sharpe. In 1920, Great Britain was given the responsibility by the League of Nations to …


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