The ruling elites happy face on Islamic terror By Victor Sharpe

By the time you read this article, there may well have been yet more Islamic vehicular terror attacks throughout the world similar to the carnage wrought in Nice, France and Berlin, Germany.

This will be even as Germany’s Chancellor Merkel, President Obama and the ruling elites in too many western nations – along with their morally compromised media – continue putting a happy face on uncontrolled mass-migration from Arab and Muslim lands.

According to German police, the atrocity in Berlin was committed by a Muslim suspect from Tunisia who took control of a Polish moving company’s truck after murdering the driver and then deliberately plowing it into civilians, killing twelve people and maiming scores more; mere days before both the Christian Christmas and Jewish Hanukkah festivals are celebrated.

This is now a weapon of choice by the legions of Muslim terrorists who hate Judeo-Christian civilization and are urged on to commit their grisly deeds by the unholy trinity of al-Qaeda, ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood, along with its demons, the Palestinian Authority, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Fatah, PLO, Al Shabab, Boko Haram, ad nauseam.

The writer, Bat Ye’or, penned these words many years ago when she was an almost lone voice warning of what was to come from resurgent and totalitarian Islam – long before ISIS and the destruction of Christianity in the Middle East:

  • Where are the great Catholic or Protestant voices protesting against this Islamization of Christianity? This passivity, this indifference makes you think that Europe will soon look more like Lebanon.
  • This has ruined Europe – because the enemies of Israel are also enemies of Christianity and of Europe. How can you ally yourself with those who want to destroy you, without in fact dying yourself?
  • The same obsessive hatred Hitler had for the Jewish people, which led to the ruin of Europe, has persisted today in the European Union’s animus against the Jewish State. The great irony is that in trying to destroy Israel, Europe is destroying itself.

Most people in the West now have seen on their TV screens the horrific vehicular terrorism in Nice, France which killed 84 people and left 300 more horribly maimed and scarred for life. More and more places around the world have already become victim to this barbarism or are likely to endure it in the coming year.

Remember, too, the recent vehicular attack on Ohio students who were mown down by a Somali refugee and student who then jumped out of his car and began stabbing fellow students?

But one embattled nation, Israel, has been mourning thousands of such victims of Muslim Arab knife, gun and bomb horror, as well as car and truck terror for years – although the benighted mainstream media (MSM) has mostly ignored what Israelis have been enduring.

Since September 2015 alone there have been some 50 vehicular terror attacks by Muslims upon Israeli civilians with trucks and cars plowing into people standing at bus stops or out shopping in busy streets. But the ever biased MSM has rarely reported these cruel barbarities perpetrated by those Arabs who call themselves Palestinians because the victims were Israelis.

The liberal, progressive and left leaning media folks nearly always refrain from condemning the Palestinian miscreants or, if they do, they usually make an equally deplorable moral equivalence between the Arab victimizers and the Israeli victims.

Instead of condemning and highlighting the 50 or more vehicular terror attacks against Israeli civilians spawned by the Palestinian junior partners of ISIS, al Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood, namely the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Fatah or the PLO, the MSM’s cynical silence has allowed this Muslim pestilence to spread to all corners of the world and especially to Europe, which opened its arms to well over a million and a quarter Muslim “refugees.”

It is instructive to report that the police union in the German state of Thuringia was forced to issue an open letter to the state’s Interior Minister describing the crumbling law and order situation amid rising immigrant crime and terror. The letter reads:

“You are abandoning us completely to a superior force … but what changes? Nothing. One instead gets a sense of deep apathy and disinterest.”

That superior force is the tip of the Islamic spear.

Meanwhile, representatives of the Arab and Muslim community were telling the police in the Ruhr: “Your police will not win a war with us because we are too many.”

According to Giulio Meotti who writes for the Italian newspaper, Il Foglio:

“It is no secret that Islamic fundamentalists consider the Germans and so many in the West as a bunch of cowards and wherever they look they see people and governments only too ready to capitulate.

“We could have hailed a meaningful change in the German policy toward Islamic terrorism if the day after the carnage at the Christmas market in Berlin, a couple of German war planes had bombed the Islamists’ bases in the Middle East and pulverized a few dozen of them. Nothing happened. Nothing will happen.”

Each time the mainstream media (the deplorable MSM) insists in knee jerk fashion that the atrocities have nothing to do with Islam, they then proceed to enter yet further into the realms of fantasy by showering Europe’s growing Muslim population with inane, unmerited praise.

Too few in the world understand the terrifying fact that Islam cannot tolerate a world that does not share its beliefs or that Islam has chosen to impose its “ideology wrapped in a religion” (as Winston Churchill himself once described it) by force and has done so since the 7th century. The MSM and elitist politicians have deliberately turned a blind eye to Islam.

As the great Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, has recently written: “They refuse to acknowledge what is written in the Koran, namely permission by Muslims to kill Jews and Christians (Surah 9:29), to terrorize non-Muslims (8:12), to rape young girls (65:4), to enslave people for sex (4:3), to lie about true goals (3:54), to make war on ‘infidels’ (9:123), and to subjugate the entire world to Allah (9:33).

President Barack Hussein Obama has himself brought untold thousands of Muslims into the United States, very often in great secrecy. The result has been a grim succession of Islamic terror atrocities and a commensurate curb on our cherished American freedoms.

In Germany, various intelligence agencies have warned that Muslim terrorists would attempt to carry out attacks during the holiday season. The British Foreign Office warned its citizens traveling to Germany to “remain vigilant.”

But how people are expected to do so is not explained when, at any minute, a fanatical terrorist screaming in Arabic the Islamic supremacist war cry, Allahu Akbar (meaning Allah is Greater – not God is Great) will plow a huge truck or even a smaller automobile into innocent shoppers.

Now Europeans, and our fellow Americans, are beginning to feel what embattled Israeli civilians have been forced to live with day in and day out.

Victor Sharpe is a prolific freelance writer with several published books including the acclaimed trilogy, Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state.

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