Muslim mayor of London to Americans: Get used to terrorism By Deborah C. Tyler

While visiting New York City on 9/21, London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan evidenced mild chagrin in saying terrorist attacks should be seen as “part and parcel of living in a big city.”  He added, “It is a reality, I’m afraid, that London, New York, and other major cities around the world have got to be prepared for these sorts of things.”

Mayor Khan makes it clear that preparing for the sort of thing that causes streets to run with the blood of dozens of innocents should not involve a military response.  He advocates police staying “in touch with communities” and “exchanging ideas and best practices.”

Two aspects of conditioned helplessness are being inflicted on the citizens of Europe and the USA, numbing and incapacitating them enough to surrender their national sovereignty and traditional ways of life to the deepening darkness of globalism.  One aspect is the increasingly laughable harangue by left-wing politicians that patriotic people are racio/phobio/blah-blah-blahists suffering cases of blah-blah-blahism.  Americans receive a new mental diagnosis every week, and they all indicate something very, very bad about us.  President Obama doesn’t pass up a chance to insult the American people, preferably in front of an international audience.  Hillary brought a bit of literary flair to her insults with the “basket of deplorables” remark.  Shoulder to shoulder with the other prominent destroyers of great nation-states and proud developers of lawless tribal territories, Mayor Khan didn’t miss the chance to denigrate the tens of millions of Americans who support Donald Trump.  Khan’s racist-shmacist in-your-face-ist shot was that the Trump movement is “driven by scapegoating.”

But there is a deeper, more psychologically crippling aspect to the mass psychology of globalist takeover then the vilification of patriots, and Khan has chosen to spearhead it.  In his original learned helplessness experiments (now widely considered unethical), psychologist Martin Seligman electrically shocked dogs, which were divided into groups that could or could not do something to stop the shocks.  The dogs for whom the shocks were inescapable developed what Seligman called learned helplessness.  The most helpless dogs simply gave up, lay down, and whimpered.

The mayor of London has just said to all of us, you are those dogs, and there will be inescapable shocks causing death around you.  These shocking events will kill ordinary people like you and your family in the mundane places we all need to go to.  Get used to it.  Accept it.  There is nothing you can do to stop it.

Obama, Hillary, and Khan are committed globalists in the process of dismantling the geographic, legal, and traditional integrity of their respective nations.  But the American and British people are at different stages of conditioning of helplessness to resist.  Therefore, the statements of Obama and Hillary and Khan take different tacks in the normalization of terrorism.  Obama and Hillary are at the stage of insulting Americans’ intelligence about terrorism.  When a white kid commits a heinous mass murder in a church, they know exactly what happened and why it happened, and, as it should be, the outpouring of grief is enormous.  Following each Islamic terrorist attack, Obama and Hillary display the now familiar head-bobbling confusion and say, “We don’t know what just happened, and we don’t know why.”  Their expression of grief is slow in coming if it comes at all.

But England and America have very different histories.  We are an armed population founded on a God-given responsibility to defend ourselves.  Americans are not ready to hear that Islamic terrorism is part and parcel of their everyday lives, uncontrollable as the weather.

The British people are sufficiently crushed in spirit to hear the mayor of London say that what happened in New York during his visit was terrorism and it’s no big deal.  Khan leads the way in saying the lethal terrorism “thing” will be happening over and over around you, so lie down, whimper like the helpless experimental dogs, and get used to it.

Normalizing terrorism with its constant, grinding fear is the greatest tool the globalists have to persuade citizens of the functional democracies to relinquish their borders and rights.  That fear is indispensable to Mayor Khan and to the leftist-globalist cause.  The Islamic terrorist is London’s new Jihadi-Bobbie.  He is walking, watching, and waiting in the streets by night and day, serving a cause, which, according to the city’s mayor, cannot be stopped.

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