Monsieur Millière Warns The West: “France is completely lost … Political correctness works” (video)‘Islam wants to conquer Europe and militant Muslims know they can succeed and I think they are right.

One of my friends who was a survivor of Auschwitz said to me: “The people who were pessimistic survived.  The people who were optimistic died.”…
France is completely lost ….

The French press lie all the time…. The media is largely in the hands of the Left….  

The French don’t know how to fight but they do know something: preemptive surrender….  

Muslims use two tools to conquer Europe.  First, attacks.  Second, “Dawah”: invitation to submit to Islam…. 

Political correctness works … 

The Left and Islam have something in common: they want to destroy Western civilisation…. Islam is a totalitarian political movement. … Islam is fighting a war against the West, against freedom…. I am here [the USA, to which he emigrated two months ago] because I want to win…. We have to choose strength.’The speaker is a French philosemitic pro-Israel intellectual, Guy Millière, about whom I have blogged before.

By “political correctness” he means the leftist-driven outrage against “Islamophobia” which has ensured that virtually nothing critical of islamifiction or of the current suicidal madness engulfing Europe gets published in book form, whereas there are now books a-plenty advocating for the Muslim-abundant Europe we are witnessing, from the jihadist aspects of which French elites seem to think France can be immune through the emergence a “friendly” sui generis French Islam.

This video (hat tip Vlad Tepes blog) shows his speech at last month’s  “Can Israel Co-Exist With The West?” conference in America.


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