Guilt by Association, Real vs Imagined By Karin McQuillan

Hillary Clinton would have us believe that Trump is a scary member of the white supremacist radical fringe.  Democrats are happy to believe her, even though Trump has zero relationship with hate groups.  None, nada, zilch.  Their only evidence is gotcha questions from liberal reporters asking Trump to repudiate David Duke over and over, tarring him by association.  But there is no association, except in liberal minds that see Republicans, that is, the majority of whites in this country, as hate-filled kooks.

In contrast, Hillary actually does support BLM, a racist organization that promotes murder of whites.  She repeats the cop-killing lie that we have a racist justice system.  This lie was first promulgated by President Obama before the Zimmerman trail because Obama was hemorrhaging black voters during his 2012 e-election bid.  Hillary is repeating it for the same cynical purpose.

We are living through the results — cops afraid to police high crime neighborhoods, leaving their residents to be murdered.  Now cops being assassinated in cold blood.

Hillary has blood on her hands, destroying the country with this demagoguery.   There is no institutionalized police racism.   There are have no facts on her side, just a false abuse of statistics.

Yet Hillary keeps piling on her accusations that Americans are racist.  She has ginned up black fear, pain and victimization for her political benefit and provided legitimacy to the anti-cop radicals.  Hundreds of black lives have been lost as a result.  Real lives, real people, real dead.

Hillary’s support of BLM and other radical left groups is not new or out of character.  This is not guilt by association, but actual associations.

Hillary actually was an acolyte of Marxist Saul Alinsky, whom she idolized.  Young Hillary was thrilled to meet personally with Alinsky, a meeting so successful that he offered her a job at his Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF).

She turned him down, but only to chose a far-left, one might say Communist, law firm for her internship in law school.  Stanley Kurtz:

Hillary’s newly discovered letter to Alinsky was written while she was doing a summer internship at the left-wing law firm of Treuhaft, Walker, and Bernstein. … of the firm’s four partners, “two were communists, and others tolerated communists.” … They represented some of the Black Panther Party leadership and other left-wing causes as well. “There was no reason except politics for a girl from Yale” to intern at the firm, Treuhaft told Bernstein. “She certainly . . . was in sympathy with all the left causes,” he continued.

Hillary’s association with Alinsky didn’t end there.  Frontpage magazine reports that as First Lady, all those years later, Clinton raised money and attended events at the Washington IAF organization, and even lent her name to projects endorsed by them, the same Alinsky group that had offered her a job in 1968.

President Obama, even more than Hillary, also had decades-long relationships with hateful, anti-American radicals – which the media never asked about and doesn’t care about, even though they forecast much of Obama’s subsequent policies.

Obama was a member of the American Socialist party, and writes, in “Dreams From My Father”, of the moment at a Socialist convention when he learned of their new strategy to take over the Democratic Party with a stealth black candidate, a community organizer – saying it was the night he developed his life’s goal.  Stanley Kurtz again:

It was at this Socialist conferences in New York in the mid-’80s that Barack Obama encountered the groups, the strategies, and the mentors who would guide him throughout his entire political career.  Now, what do I mean?  Well, for one thing, these Socialist conferences touted community organizing as the key to the future for American Socialism.

…in the 1980s when Socialists decided, hey, we’re going to get control of the economy not by formal nationalization from above, but through … community organization, ACORN.  What did ACORN do?  ACORN actually gained a kind of control over the banking industry in the United States.

They would flood into the lobbies of banks or they would besiege the home of an officer of a bank, and basically intimidate the bank into giving them a pot of money to give loans on behalf of the bank to customers with risky credit histories, the kind of customer who would never have gotten a loan under ordinary circumstances.  And of course, this was the beginning of the subprime mortgage crisis that ironically brought Barack Obama into the presidency. (snip)

…this dramatic moment Obama describes in Dreams From My Father, his memoir… theme at these conferences … minority political leaders, particularly African Americans, were the key to the future of Socialism in the United States.

Socialism was not something Obama picked up and abandoned in college.

Obama hired Peter Dreier, a speaker he first heard at that 1983 Socialist conference, as a campaign advisor in 2008.  Dreier proposed to bring down American capitalism from below by swamping governments with entitlement programs: “the process leads… to fiscal crisis in the public sector.”

Unlike Trump’s non-relationship with radicals in word, thought or deed, Obama has had lifelong radical ties.  His beloved teenage mentor, the odious child molester Frank Marshall, was an actual Communist.  As an adult, Obama was plucked from obscurity by terrorist Bill Ayers, who recruited Obama to join him on the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, where they distributed $100 million to radical causes.

Not to forget Obama’s racist, anti-Semitic and openly Marxist pastor for decades, who led his congregation to cheer 9/11.  (Remember how you felt the week after 9/11?  Can you imagine staying in a church that cheered the bombing of the World Trade Towers?) Wright is a man who Obama loved, praised, quoted and invited to campaign with him.  Now we have Obama inviting to the White House the radical, cop-hating BLM movement that cheers assassination of cops.

The contrast between the baseless accusations that Trump is a fringe candidate and the reality of Obama and Hillary Clinton’s lifelong radical associations could not be clearer.  Thanks to the liberal propaganda press, their voters will never know.

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