Hillary and the Soros Agenda By Rachel Ehrenfeld

These days, George Soros’ connections are getting quite a bit more attention than they did in the 1990s. But by the end of Bill Clinton’s reign Soros had already obtained a very influential position with the Clintons, especially with Hillary.

In her excellent profile of Soros in The New Yorker, on January  23, 1995, Connie Bruck relates how Strobe Talbott, Bill Clinton’s friend, who served as Ambassador-at-Large and Special Adviser on the New Independent States to Secretary of State Warren Christopher, saw Soros. According to Talbott, Soros was “a national resource – indeed, a national treasure.” He described the billionaire as a sort of shadow arm of the State Department. “I would say that it [Soros’ foreign policy] is not identical to the foreign policy of the U.S. government, but it’s compatible with it, “he told The New Yorker. “It’s like working with a friendly, allied, independent entity, if not a government. We try to synchronize our approach to the former Communist countries with Germany, France, Great Britain, and with George Soros.”

When Soros opened his own D.C. office to be close to the action, one of his minions explained that it would serve as “his State Department.” Soros conceded, “Of course what I do could be called meddling because I want to promote an open society.” According to Soros, such an” Open society transcends national sovereignty.” He also proposed “modification of the concept of sovereignty” because “sovereignty is basically somewhat anachronistic.”

Soros wrote memos on every foreign policy and monetary issue imaginable, and these memos were read widely at the very highest echelons of the Clinton White House. Soros has also used the services of the Washington lobbying firm Raffaelli, Spees, Springer & Smith, where he was represented by Clinton hack Terry McAuliffe, who in 2005 became the Democratic National Committee Chairman, and in 2008 chaired Hillary’s presidential campaign (McAuliffe has been Governor of Virginia since 2014). Between his payments to McAuliffe and the hundreds of thousands of dollars he gave to various official Democratic PACs, Soros was clearly able to purchase himself quite a bit of clout in the Democratic Party, and gain the adoration/co-dependency of its members that continues to this day.


Soros needs the Democrats in office to be taken seriously as a State Department unto himself, and Democrats still need Soros’ dollars to win elections.

Soros made no secret of his obsession with power.  “I like to influence policy,” Soros told television talk show host Charlie Rose in 1995. “I was not able to get to George Bush. But now I think I have succeeded with my influence…I do now have great access in [the Clinton] administration. There is no question about this. We actually work together as a team.”  And in 1997 Soros went on to brag to Time magazine: “my influence has continued to grow, and I do have access to most people I want to have access to.”

He was one of the few people Hillary would see when the Lewinsky scandal broke and during the impeachment proceedings against her philandering husband (Dec.1998- Feb 1999), ostensibly to discuss unfolding events in Ukraine. A background footage during his interview with Steve Kroft on 60 minutes, on December 20, 1998, showed Soros and Hillary walking through a Haitian village, as Clinton introducing Soros to everyone who came within five feet.

At that time, and as Bill Clinton’s term as president was winding down,

Newsweek speculated that Hillary would probably seek employment in the international non-profit sector.  Political insider Howard Fineman wrote that  “Friends daydream about [Hillary] becoming head of UNICEF or even UN secretary-general. More likely, some sort of global foundation, aided by friends such as financier George Soros or World Bank president James Wolfenson.”  Fineman clearly sensed Hillary’s political ambitions and greed. And while Hillary chose to run for office, first for the Senate and then for president, she and her husband established the Clinton Foundation. Accepting Obama’s offer to serve as his State Secretary, increased her ability to influence and to raise the profile and revenue of the family Foundation, as well as their bank accounts.

Hillary’s decision to run for office has been a cause Soros was glad to underwrite. He gave large sums of money to Friends of Hillary and tens of thousands of dollars to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. He invested heavily in Hillary’s political future knowing that the Democratic National Committee considered Hillary its shining star and possible 2008 presidential nominee.

But the gambler he is, in early 2007 he dropped Hillary for the young, inexperienced progressive Senator from Illinois. Asked about switching from battle-hardened Hillary to inexperienced Obama, Soros declared: “this emphasis on experience is way overdone.” Why? Because “Obama has the charisma and the vision to radically reorient America in the world,” Soros told Judy Woodruff in May 2008.” But once in office, Obama refused for a very long time to even meet with Soros.

Obama’s cold shoulder did not stop Soros’s efforts to remake America to his liking. He has written that he always “felt that modern society in general and America, in particular, suffer from a deficiency of values.” Only fundamental changes in Americans way of life will satisfy Soros, and he has been spending millions to make those changes a reality.

“I am sort of a deus ex machina,” Soros told the New York Times in 1994. “I am something unnatural. I’m very comfortable with my public persona because it is one I have created for myself. It represents what I like to be as distinct from what I really am. You know, in my personal capacity I’m not actually a selfless philanthropic person. I’m very much self-centered.”

Soros also professed to be an “amoral” financial speculator. Instead of questioning his motivations, such statements earned him the image of a maverick. That image, enhanced by billions of dollars [$24.9 billion as of August 27, 2016, according to Forbes], and his generous hand-outs, did wonders to blind the political, media, academic and social elites and afforded him the respectability and credibility he needed to advance his sociopolitical agenda to destroy the U.S. from within and without and remodel it to whatever he deems as “open society.”

Soros, unlike Hillary, admits he plays only by his rules. And while the Clintons – despite decades of double-dealings and lying – remain clumsy covering up their tracks, Soros boasts “I do not accept the rules imposed by others.” Indeed, as leaked memos from his OSF show, Soros tried to influence the Supreme Court’s decision on illegal immigration, in efforts to preempt any attempt to curb the flood illegal immigrants and Muslim refugees to the U.S.

Now, the 86 years old Soros seems anxious to ensure his legacy as the man who changed America. For that, he needs Hillary Clinton as the next U.S. president. He hopes President Hillary would maintain the advances he already made with drug legalization – turning millions of Americans and States economies into drug-dependents, sponsoring illegal immigration and advancing Islamic political interests – and would further the U.S. demise as Super-Power. He seems to think that she would be more loyal to him and his causes than he was to her before and since his gamble on Obama did not fully pay off.

Soros, whose motto is: “If I spend enough, I will make it right,” has been spending lavishly to do away with the  U.S. constitutional republic and its capitalistic system (what’s left of it).  Both he and Hillary seem to stop at nothing to corrupt and influence the outcome of the 2016 elections.

Would the American voter be able to stop them?http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?m=1101941066390&ca=cb4d2518-69c7-4f26-816e-2cebf7a05dbb

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