Across the African continent, black children and teenagers are being kidnapped and raped  in routine recruitment tactics for various Islamic terrorist groups.  In Nigeria,  Boko Haram has taken children as young as 5, forcing them  to use weapons, to witness beheadings and to agree to kill even their parents if necessary.  It’s estimated that Boko Haram has taken 10,000  boys as well as  many hundreds  of girls,  subjecting them to starvation, torture,  drugs, rape and pregnancy,   jihadist videos and becoming suicide bombers themselves.   In Yemen, Somali and Mali,    Al Qaeda has done the same.   Yet Black Lives Matter, the militant organization headed by people who call themselves  African/American  has said little to nothing about this continuing enslavement and murder of its own kin.

Instead, Black Lives Matter has focused on Israel , which it accuses of genocide of brown people – not black.  It calls for ending U.S. military aid to Israel which is described as an “apartheid state.”  It stands in solidarity with BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) and with Muslim people despite the daily deadly violence perpetrated by Muslims specifically against African blacks.   No mention of ISIS or any other terrorist group which enslaves young blacks by the most barbaric tactics.  Why bother to use African as part of your ethnic identification  if you are determined to ignore the fate of your own people?  How do other Black activists and leaders reconcile their own failure to rally against these horrific abuses at the UN, in front of the White House ,   in Union Square and the various other public forums they have used as venues for their protests.    And how shameful that the very same organization that is seeking reparations for slavery two centuries ago has blinded itself to current  mass slavery and its ravages.

Jews in the United States have a long history of standing in the forefront of civil rights activism and blacks perversely , have a long history of anti-semitic railing against the very people who have contributed so much to their liberation.  Their embrace of Islam  in the face of Islamic brutality in Africa is  a sober reminder of how  politics make strange bedfellows and how important causes can be dangerously  subverted by the notion of inter-sectionality.    The plight  of  young African blacks has nothing in common with Islamic Palestinians who are neither enslaved, tortured , kidnapped,  starved or raped.   What they do both share is being oppressed by Muslims;  the former by radical terrorists and the latter by their own leadership which refuses to acknowledge Israel as a Jewish state, preferring to keep Palestinians in the faux state of “refugee” status indefinitely rather than make that concession to reality.  Black Lives Matter loses  both credibility  and rationality by espousing the Palestinian cause  instead  of showing solidarity with the  African/ black victims of  radical Islam.

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