Later this week, student leaders from around the country will assemble in Brainerd, Minnesota, for this year’s annual CFACT “Eco-Summit.”

There, they will learn the hard facts to debunk climate and other Green myths, swap war stories, and receive vital training on organizing techniques that can help turn their campuses upside down this fall.

Will you help support this critical summit and equip CFACT’s campus chapters for the raging battles ahead?

Our top-notch student leaders will participate in workshops that teach them:

  • How to promote CFACT’s message on their campus
  • How to recruit students, build their chapters and outwit hostile college administrators
  • How to promote free-market environmental speakers and events
  • How to maximize social media on their campus
  • How to carry out petition drives, surveys and other grassroots organizing tactics

As you know, the Left has institutionalized itself on college campuses and is determined to shut down any free speech or right thinking that challenges it.

60’s campus radicals demanded the right to speak out and our free society gave it to them.

No sooner were they through the academic door, however, when they slammed it shut behind them and created today’s Politically Correct college environment that bullies students into believing there is only one way to think.

Our CFACT student leaders consistently punch well above their weight, but they need our help. Can we count on your generous gift today to sponsor their eco-summit and help them prepare for the politically charged school year they are about to begin?

A study by UCLA found that among incoming freshmen, only 29% self-identified as political liberals. The same study found that self-identified liberals rise to 40% by graduation.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Years ago CFACT saw this challenge and met it head on by creating our Collegians program that has become one of the most dynamic, rapidly expanding and fun groups on campus.

American young people aren’t stupid. Give them full information and a chance to think for themselves and they can spot the dangers of radical environmentalism and its destructive ideology.

While the Left is recruiting unquestioning followers to its cause, our CFACT Collegians program is creating leaders.

CFACT is reaching young people who refuse to be part of campus “herd-think.” The students we reach through Collegians are much more likely to be leaders and shapers of opinion – not just at college but all through their lives.

I’m excited about the quality of the speakers I’ll be introducing this week in Minnesota. They should be well known to CFACT’s friends and supporters.

They include:

  • Martha Boneta, a courageous Virginia farmer who said “NO” when Green groups tried to step all over her property rights.
  • Marita Noon, one of the brightest energy analysts in the nation.
  • Marc Morano, publisher of CFACT’s award-winning Climate Depot news and information service and host of our groundbreaking “Climate Hustle” documentary.
  • Paul Driessen, CFACT’s senior policy analyst and a national treasure on a host of critical issues.
  • Dr. Roy Spencer, an award-winning climate scientist who today manages NASA’s temperature satellites from the University of Alabama at Huntsville.

We’re proud to connect students with great minds like these. We know after they leave our eco-summit they’ll be inspired to share CFACT’s positive message of hope and prosperity with their peers.

CFACT Collegians are tireless and effective. Our student leaders are blazing the trail at their colleges and universities today. Will you stand with them by making your most generous online contribution right away?

The usual suspects from the climate pressure groups and left-wing student organizations, backed by sympathetic liberal administrators, will be on campus to confront our CFACT student leaders when they return to college in a few weeks.

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