General Attacks Trump, Then Bombshell Truth on His Real Identity Explodes

At the Democrat National Convention, we saw plenty of liberal figures trotted out to scare America out of voting for Republican nominee Donald Trump. In spite of calling Trump’s remarks the previous week “dark,” fear was the principal product being sold by the left in Philly.

It didn’t end there, either. This weekend, retired Gen. John Allen told ABC News‘ George Stephanopoulos that electing Trump could cause a “civil military crisis, the like of which we’ve not seen in this country.”

“When we swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution, which is a document and a set of principles and it supports the rule of law, one of those is to ensure that we do not obey illegal orders,” Gen. Allen said in the interview, which was aired Sunday.

Allen apparently wasn’t just referring to Trump’s statement that he would reintroduce waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques, but that he would bomb the Islamic State group. Apparently, that’s an illegal order now, too.


“He’s talked about needing to torture. He’s talked about needing to murder the families of alleged terrorists,” Allen said. “He’s talked about carpet-bombing ISIL. Who do you think is going to be carpet-bombed when all that occurs? It’s going to be innocent families.”

“What we need to do is ensure that we don’t create an environment that puts us on a track conceivably where the United States military finds itself in a civil military crisis with a commander in chief who would have us do illegal things.”

That’s a pretty damning statement. Unfortunately, it’s even more damning — for the left — when you consider who Gen. Allen is.


As Erik Prince at Breitbart pointed out, Gen. Allen is far from a dispassionate retired general, merely weighing in on an unspeakable crisis (one might even call it a coup) that might foment itself in the military should Trump be elected.

Allen was, at one point, the White House coordinator for anti-Islamic State group efforts. Along with Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and the whole sick crew, he was responsible for the policy of treating the Islamic State as the “JV team” — a bunch of angry, stupid teens who had somehow found Kalashnikovs and were taking their angst out on the world.

He’s the one who helped construct a policy where a group with ultramodern weaponry and a Bronze Age ideology were considered to be no threat whatsoever.

That’s not all. He was also responsible for the funding and arming of so-called “moderate” Islamic rebels in Syria. Lo and behold, these were the rebel groups who often decided that their allegiance — as well as their funds and weaponry — belonged to the Islamic State group. Others merely surrendered their weapons.

When it comes to doing things that skirt legality in the name of pursuing terrorists, Gen. Allen was part of the team that’s done a great deal worse than anything Trump is proposing.

He’s one of the people behind the drone killing of terrorist imam Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen, in Yemen. Now, granted, al-Awlaki was a detestable individual, but the American-born cleric had never been charged in court nor had his citizenship stripped. He was the first American citizen specifically targeted and killed without any due process. And this is a man who thinks enhanced interrogation techniques are going to cause a military revolt?

Oh, by the way, you may have noticed that Gen. Allen is retired. That wasn’t by choice: Much like his patron, Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton, he has a little bit of an email problem. And much like her husband Bill, the problem has to do with sex.

As Breitbart bluntly put it, Allen was forced to resign after “having essentially having phone sex via more than 30,000 emails with an attractive Tampa, Florida, married socialite.”

Leaving aside the mechanics and logistics of this (30,000 emails over two years while he was stationed in the deserts of Afghanistan? How exactly did he ever get around to issuing orders?), there’s also the dereliction of duty, not to mention the possibility of blackmail.

This is the man who wants to talk about a crisis of military leadership, and this is what he’s responsible for. Moreover, he’s acting as a surrogate for the woman who allowed the cancer that is the Islamic State group grow into what it’s become.

And he thinks that Trump at the helm is going to cause the military to revolt?


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