Who do you think made the following statement on X Radio?

She does not want France to become Muslim. There is a massive Arab-Muslim invasion. If we want to maintain our cohesion and cultural harmony, we have to make a new balance in immigration. With regard to radical Islam:  “I want the Salafist mosques closed and demolished!  We have a problem with the organization of Islam in France.

She is against the full facial veil, “walking advertisement for radical Islam.” Veiled women should be punished by law and deprived of their civic and social rights.

You’ll find the answer at the end of this update.*

I am an optimist because I believe in reality. No matter how hard people try to deny it, reality sticks to its guns. It won’t vanish. It keeps popping up and sooner or later they have to deal with it. That’s what will happen.

No, I don’t think the world is coming to an end. I don’t think Europe is finished. We received a report on two Polish experts that raised an alert on the imminent collapse of European civilization. My father z”l was born in Przemysl (near Lvov). His family left Poland in the early years of the 20th century. Those that stayed behind were, with rare exceptions, exterminated. If Europe didn’t end then, it might just as well stay on for the next session of the adventured-packed film, known simply as The World.

BFM TV covered the entire funeral service in the Rouen Cathedral for the slaughtered priest Jacques Hamel. A majestic, moving, carefully orchestrated ritual. I don’t think I have ever attended a Mass or seen one in its entirety. In their modest eulogies the priest’s sister and niece brought to life his down to earth warmth and decency. Hamel’s sister related two stories about her brother’s military service in Algeria.  He chose to remain a simple soldier, refusing to accept a promotion to officer because he did not want to be in a situation where he would have to order the soldiers under his command to kill. On one occasion, he was the sole survivor of a “shooting” [Were they ambushed or had they gone into battle?] He asked why, why was I the sole survivor? And for his sister the answer is now, standing before us, the simple wooden coffin covered with a white chasuble and red scarf of martyrdom. Why did he survive? [To have his throat slit by an allahu akhbar neighbor?] To testify by his martyrdom to Christ’s sacrifice?

Mercy, martyrdom, misericord, communion, love, sacrifice, forgiveness, lofty ideals under the high arched domes of the cathedral and two thousand worshippers aisle upon aisle stretching out to the vanishing point, the robes of the officiants garnished in purple, the color of misericord, and a thousand more following the service on a giant screen outside, in a summer drizzle and protected by high security; liturgy, architecture, incense, gestures, rich with the power and glory of the Catholic Church… In stark contrast with the scene one week ago when Adel Kermiche and Abdelmalik Petitjean walked into a small nearly empty church and forced an 86 year-old priest to his knees. For a few minutes in that sordid scenario they were the power and glory.

We learned that Father Hamel, as he fell to the ground from the first stroke of the knife, tried to push the killers away with his feet. And he said, twice, “Satan, get away!” Meaning, in the words echoing in the cathedral, he tried to chase the devil that had possessed his assassins.

Monsignor Lebrun cautioned: we do not excuse the killers. We love our enemies in the hope of bringing them back to their humanity.

Were they following the ceremony in the caliphate, too? At least the French contingent? Were they sopping up the love and forgiveness? Did they awaken with a start, hearing the words of Mohammed Henniche, president of the Muslim Association of Saint Denis, invited to take part in the running commentary on BFM TV, who informed fellow guests and spectators far and wide that Islam has special reverence for “the people of the Book.”   [Yes, at their feet in perilous dhimmitude.] Echoing the repeated messages of peace and pardon, he associated Islam with the great religions that teach pardon. It is written [in the Koran that claims precedence over the Bible] , he said, “an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth,” the talion law [= Judaism, primitive and vengeful]  but, the sourate follows with, “if you can pardon, that is better.”

Mohammed Henniche, I have just learned, was part of the delegation of French imams organized by Hassen Chalgoumi [known to his myriad detractors as a Jew-lover] on a delegation to Israel last November. His association, the UAM, flatly denied he had committed such an ignominious deed, reminding that the Association had organized several visits to Gaza. However, credible reports of the association’s unambiguous disapproval of Henniche, confirm his presence and their discontent. It doesn’t disqualify him from appearing on TV to echo the lofty sentiments resounding in the cathedral.

Yesterday, on C dans l’air [French channel 5], Israel was presented as nothing less than a model of security in an age of terrorism.  The panel of security experts watched a short truthful video totally uncorrupted by bias illustrated various elements: volunteers first responders on motorcycles available 24/7, thorough checks of cars entering a shopping center parking garage, armed citizens already familiar with weapons because they have served in the army, etc. And administrative detention. On that point, the retired magistrate Michèle Bernard- Requin drew the line! Oh no, we will never do that. We will never deprive people of their liberty on suspicion of what they might do!

Non, madame la magistrate, I intervened from my position facing the screen. They are or will be detained because of what they have done:  they have tried to join the enemy that wants to destroy us, have intelligence with the enemy, broadcast their intention to assassinate us, and other such crimes in wartime. I think I already explained the difference between crime and genocide.

It’s time for me to bow out. I have no malice in my heart, and I do not want to cultivate its seeds. If it seems that I have contempt for the preachers of mercy and heart-struck mourners, it is not true. It’s just a moment of trench fatigue. I’m war weary, weary of hearing about sacrifice from a faith that persecuted Jews for 2,000 years and now preaches love for Islam that has only tortured us for 1400 years. They have not been able to swallow our primacy. The saintliness of Christianity and the domination of Islam were concocted on the project of our disappearance. Which has brought us to this state of international paroxysm. The Islamic world is a vast stretch of smoking ruins and mutilated corpses. Christians are exterminated in the Middle East and threatened in the West.

All these postures of love and forgiveness, however sincere, all these promises of communion, however hypocritical, will not heal this open wound, will not disarm the killers. First, these noble religious leaders must tell the truth.

I’m waiting.

*Answer: Nadine Morano. Member of the opposition party, Les Républicains. Eurodeputy and contender in the coming presidential primaries. Controversial, outspoken, scandalous, courageous…depending on who is evaluating. In any case, she isn’t Marion Maréchal Le Pen.

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