For Trump! Against the Disloyalists! By Jared E. Peterson

At last it’s beyond dispute: This time the Republican Party’s presidential nominee is someone chosen by full throated roar from its augmented voter base, not by the timid and failed leadership that’s gripped the Party since Reagan.

And just as importantly, despite furious howls from “We prefer Hillary” turncoats scattered among Republican elites and conservative intellectuals, it’s now also indisputable that Donald Trump is fighting for the major part of the Republican Party and American conservatism’s Reagan agenda: unapologetic patriotism and belief in American exceptionalism, a freer, less regulated economy, a Supreme Court that respects the Constitution, unrestricted freedom of expression, unambiguous condemnation of all  domestic violence, especially against the police, and a muscular defense of America, its people and allies against increasingly murderous enemies.

Not good enough, say the allegedly Republican and conservative turncoats … we prefer Hillary Clinton and all that comes with her.

An important aside: In law as in logic, the absolutely certain consequences of actions that are known to the actor beforehand … are consequences that he intends. If he fires an automatic weapon into a crowd, he will not be heard to say he did not intend to kill or seriously wound.

Those members of the Republican elite now denouncing Donald Trump and proclaiming he will not get their votes, or failing to endorse and campaign for him when by resume they would be expected to, are actions they know — to an absolute certainty — will help elect Hillary Clinton.

Thus, the entire gaggle of Republican and conservative disloyalists — from former presidents and failed presidential candidates all the way down to obscure scribblers — are intentionally working for the election of Hillary Clinton and the now radical Left Democratic Party.

If Hillary Clinton is elected, especially if by a narrow vote, the turncoat disloyalists will forever own all of the utterly predictable consequences of her Leftist presidency (see below for a partial list).

The reasons for this astonishing betrayal of their own voter base? A mixture of motives is on display. Much social and intellectual snobbery, selfish wound licking, and sinecure protecting are all unsuccessfully seeking cover behind alleged issue or character criticisms.

The soreheads’ issue gripes with Trump focus on those positions that indisputably have expanded the potential voter base of the Republican Party: In addition to embracing much of core conservatism and Republicanism, Trump has responded favorably to two pleas from huge and long-standing majorities of Republican and conservative voters — and from large numbers of working and middle class Americans who are neither:

First, secure our southern border and stop the massive third world invasion of America that’s depressing wages, overwhelming public schools, crushing social welfare programs, and rapidly bringing one party governance to large parts of America;

Second, seriously attempt to reinvigorate America’s manufacturing sector and restore at least some of the outsourced jobs that have been the consequence of a globalism whose benefits have disproportionately accrued to America’s elites and whose burdens have disproportionately been imposed on its working and middle classes.

Those twin promises by Trump are unpardonable sins, say many among Republican elites who’ve led the Party to popular vote defeats in five of the last six presidential elections.

There’s not space for a thorough discussion of these two singular — and eminently positive — additions to the Republican presidential battle cry.  But for the moment, consider this thought: When the guests have declined the soup at five out of the last six dinner parties, if you want them to eat it next time perhaps it would be wise to add a couple new ingredients (and, possibly, to go lighter on one or two that have been in the kettle before).

Trump’s alleged character defects are upper crust snobbery masquerading as psychological insight, as a never-before-known-to-exist ability to predict what a highly successful human being is capable of when called to a new task.  What these defects really come down to for the disloyalists is this: They cannot abide Trump’s style, which includes his outer borough accents, his blunt and direct expressions never heard in the decorous faculty lounges of the Ivy League, and, most of all, the brass knuckles he’s put on for us after Democrats have been wearing them for decades.

In their clubs and board rooms, in their private jets, first class cabins and five star hotels, in parents’ gatherings at their children’s elite private schools, such things are just not observed.

But whether it’s claimed issue differences or character objections, Republican and conservative  disloyalists are asserting something manifestly, egregiously false: that eight more years of presidential governance by the now hard Left Democratic Party is preferable to the presidency of a successful businessman who agrees with American conservatives and the Republican Party elite on 75% of the issues and — on those where he disagrees with the Party elite (immigration and globalism) — who clearly represents the overwhelming views of the Party’s voter base and millions more who have been outside it since Reagan.

There is absolutely no doubt about what Republican and conservative disloyalists are urging us to “grit our teeth and endure” (George Will) for the next eight years.

Here’s an incomplete list:

*Continuation and intensification of the Democratic Party-sponsored third world invasion, illegal and legal, bringing millions more low skill, low education, Democratic Party clients into the country, which will continue the downward pressure on wages, particularly for entry level jobs, impose massive additional burdens on existing welfare programs, and further degrade the quality of public education on which all children except those of the elite depend;

*A massive, nation-wide amnesty for the unknown millions of illegals already here;

* Continuing federal government-assisted registration programs that fast-track both groups onto the voter rolls and disperse them across the nation, so that they have the earliest and greatest impact in now presidentially competitive states (think of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Colorado, Nevada and Arizona).

If any among the disloyalist crowd claims they’ve carefully analyzed the consequences of these three phenomena and determined they’re not fatal in the short run to the possibility of two party presidential governance, they’re lying.  Absolutely no one knows how far this calculated theft of the country has progressed, how much of it is going on now, or what its consequences will be for this presidential election, let alone for future elections after a Clinton presidency.

The foregoing assured demographic consequences of a Clinton presidency, all by themselves, are reason enough for Republicans and conservatives — and members of the American working and middle classes generally — to support Trump.

But there will be more to “grit our teeth and bear” under Clinton:

*Continued presidential support for the groundless, slanderous and divisive lie that America and its police are racist and that the principal obstacle to black success in America is racism. Of all Obama’s destructive domestic obsessions over the last nearly eight years, promoting this poisonous falsehood has been his worst. Its promotion will continue unabated under Clinton, both because her Party can’t win without 90+% of the black vote, and because the Democratic Party will be prevented from moving away from its big lie by the now dominant Left and by an active and highly influential ex-President with enormous influence over the black vote.

*Continued attacks on First Amendment freedom of expression, once a cherished absolute in America, today in its death throes on American university campuses and widely under attack in the workplace and elsewhere, where expressing views contrary to required orthodoxy on race, crime, man’s effect on the climate, Islam or any other subject in the Left’s now sweeping catechism threatens job, career and social acceptability;

*Continued suffocating regulatory bureaucracy and tax policy that further stifle the economy and drive still more manufacturing jobs abroad;

*Continued foreign and national security policy that’s both weak and destructive, a policy that’s already reduced the Middle East to chaos and sent millions of Islamic “refugees” into Europe, destroyed whatever progress toward stability had been made in Iraq and Afghanistan, allowed ISIS to run rampant in much of the Western world, and granted Iran an assured route to nuclear weapons;

*And finally, but not least, after Clinton replaces the great Antonin Scalia with a Leftist clone of the Kagan/Sotomayor stripe, she will almost certainly appoint two or more additional justices, ensuring a left activist Court for a generation, and, in the short run, guaranteeing that whenever the Democratic agenda oversteps constitutional bounds, in substance or method, a compliant Supreme Court will be there to allow the infraction; and a specific reminder: the Supreme Court is one vote away from a  declaration that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual’s right to own and bear arms — without a doubt, that decision is coming from a Clinton Court.

All this we are told by the disloyalists — from former presidents and presidential candidates on down to overrated pundits posing as deep thinkers — is preferable to the presidency of Donald Trump … Donald Trump who agrees with conservatives on nearly everything of importance, who will appoint constitutionalist judges, will finally try to enforce our immigration laws, will halt the presidential war on the police, push back hard against an increasingly oppressinve political correctness, and at least try to organize a less minutely regulated and heavily taxed economy.

People who claim to be conservatives or Republicans, and who self-destructively counsel rejection of all this from Donald trump in favor of Hillary Clinton, deserve a generous helping of contempt from America’s enlightened voters, especially Republicans and conservatives.

Donald Trump for President!

Donald Trump — champion of the American working and middle classes, conservative, Republican, defender of America’s borders and police, champion of free expression, and unapologetic defender of America and the interests of her people.

And to the disloyalists: A miniscule audience this fall and, thereafter, well-earned permanent irrelevance.

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