John Kerry warns your refrigerator is as dangerous as ISIS

It’s been a hot summer with sweltering temperatures from the midwest to the Middle East, which means an increased use of air conditioners, but no so fast says John Kerry who is a long time advocate for climate change.

The Secretary of State warns the chemicals inside common items like air conditioners, refrigerators, and inhalers are as dangerous as the ongoing threat of ISIS,

According to Kerry the use of hydrofluorocarbons or HFCs in these everyday items are emitting a gigaton of carbon dioxide equivalent pollution into the atmosphere annually. He adds “if this sounds like a lot, my friends, its because it is.”


Kerry also said the coolant is a thousand times more potent than CO2 and he hopes to phase out the use of HFC entirely.

To be fair Kerry isn’t exactly comparing the need to stay cool to the Islamic State but warns the discussion around HFC and other pollutants are essential to even having a planet to live on at all.

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