Egyptian author Sayyid Al-Qemany: Islam in Its Present Form Is a Threat to the World, All Scorpions Sting See video
Egyptian author Sayyid Al-Qemany, speaking at the first convention of the
Adhoc organization, a London-based “secularist, modernist, pluralist”
international NGO, warned about the dangers of Islamic fundamentalism,
saying: “Any Muslim who believes that his religion is suited to all times
and places is a terrorist by definition.” Al-Qemany said that “all scorpions
sting” and that the only difference is that some have not yet had the chance
to perform “the best act that brings you close to Allah” by carrying out the
duty of Jihad. The convention, titled “The Roots and Causes of Islamic
Violence,” was held in Brussels on May 22, and Al-Qemany’s address was
posted on the YouTube account of the “I Think” Magazine.

Sayyid Al-Qemany: “The real danger that the world faces is Islam, in its
prevalent form in our Arab and Islamic world.
“In recent years, which have witnessed a growing number of terror incidents,
we have discovered that [French President] Hollande knows Islam very well,
and so he said that what is happening is not true Islam. And that guy from
the… All the world’s heads of state, in whose countries there were… Even
good and wretched Ban Ki-moon, who is not from these parts, knows Islam too.
They all say that [terrorism] does not reflect true Islam. Every single
group in Islamic society since the dawn of history and to this day, says:
‘We alone know what true Islam is.’ It turns out they all know true Islam,
and the only ones who don’t are us.

“But we do know Islam. If you compare the views of the various Islamic
groups on what true Islam is, you will find that the Prophet Muhammad was
the only one who did not know true Islam. There are huge differences among
them. Personally, I would like to ask you the following: Please pour oil on
the flames of Islamophobia in the world. Please let the world know that it
faces a total danger. Any Muslim who believes that his religion is suited to
all times and places is a terrorist by definition.”
“All scorpions sting. Some scorpions have actually killed someone, while
other scorpions have not killed yet. The only difference between them is
that the latter have not had the chance to kill yet. They have not had the
chance to perform the best act that brings you close to Allah. The best act
that brings you close to Allah is storming into the enemy’s midst. The best
act that brings you close to Allah is the duty of jihad.”

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original analysis and research on developments in the region. Copies of
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