Peter Smith: The Platitudes of a Pantywaist President
“Unfortunately Obama is not alone. The European big three — Cameron, Hollande and Merkel — all parrot the ‘religion of peace’ hoax. Mind you, let’s put it in perspective, they don’t have the same aversion to referring to radical Islamic terrorism; and, so far as I know, have not gone so far as Obama in purging all references to the religion that dare not speak its name from the lexicon of their military and security agencies. The words Islam, sharia law, and jihad are verboten apparently. The words extremism and terrorism, and now presumably ‘thuggism’, are allowed provided they are devoid of any link to Islam. We are in serious trouble. Islamists are beheading infidels and the Commander-in-Chief is parsing his language to cloud the threat.  In these circumstances, whether he offends tender sensibilities or not, Trump is what the Western world needs now. Love sweet love will have to wait for a different time.”

The only thing more certain than the next Islamist assault is the parade of world leaders who can be counted to mouth their kumbaya pieties, even as the blood is wiped off the walls. In this, if nothing else, President Obama is the undisputed world leader.

 Though the roots of ISIS go back a fair way it did not begin coming to prominence until President Obama withdrew remaining US troops from Iraq in December, 2011, leaving behind, as he put it, “a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq.” And it was after that, in April, 2013, that al-Baghdadi announced its formation. Yet, wall-to-wall conservative commentators apparently believe that defeating ISIS is the key to preventing the recent atrocities in Orlando, in San Bernardino, in Brussels, and in Paris.

Talk about memory loss. The London, Madrid, Bali and Mumbai bombings and countless other Islamist attacks occurred before ISIS was a glint in al-Baghdadi’s eye. Thomas Jefferson was fighting Muslim Tripoli pirates at the beginning of the nineteenth century. It is the religion stupid! And if and when ISIS is defeated, whatever that looks like, the religion, and its integral supremacist ideology, will persist. The only permanent solution is to degrade and marginalize Islam itself so that its remaining fundamentalist adherents resemble a small group of whacko religious snake dancers.

The religion cannot be saved. It cannot be saved because its very scripture is immutable and corrupting. That’s it, full stop, no argument. Where it holds sway warped views bloom: e.g., support for sharia law, religious intolerance, the inferiority of women, death for apostasy, and for blasphemy, heresy, homosexuality and adultery. Does anyone think that is a coincidence?

Sure, external and home-grown terrorists have to be killed. But the creed of Islam has to be confronted. The made-up hateful words of Allah and the hateful sayings and doings of his earthly amanuensis Mohammed cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged and infect hundreds of millions of people, here now and still to be born. It is a plague on humanity and must be confronted as resolutely as Reagan confronted ‘the evil empire’ and all that it stood for.

Now weep while picturing President Obama leading the fight. Here he is in 2012 at the UN, shortly after the Benghazi murders of a US ambassador and three other Americans by Islamic terrorists, which he and his administration knowingly and falsely blamed on a “crude and disgusting video” satirizing Mohammed. “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam,” he intoned.  Is this bizarre, or is it light years beyond bizarre? And people object to Trump’s language!

Orlando changed nothing for Obama. “These are not religious warriors,” he said. “They are thugs.” Presumably he has been engaged in sending drones over the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan to kill “thugs” (Al Capone lookalikes?). In any event, as he was at pains to point out, the availability of guns was the real culprit in the loss of life in Orlando – echoed by the jackasses who comprise the left in America.

Now switch to Donald Trump in an interview with Fox News after the Orlando massacre:

“[Obama] doesn’t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands – it’s one or the other and either one is unacceptable…Look, we’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind. And the something else in mind – you know, people can’t believe it… People cannot, they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the way he acts and can’t even mention the words radical Islamic terrorism. There’s something going on. It’s inconceivable. There’s something going on.”

The Washington Post took great offence at Trump’s remarks, posting this online headline: “Donald Trump seems to connect President Obama to Orlando shooting.” The scurrilous headline was taken down but the damage was done. While it was up it was the most widely read story on the paper’s website.

I happen to think that Trump is genuinely confused about Obama’s motives. Why, would I conclude as much? Because I share the confusion. Exactly what is motivating Obama when it comes to Islam? Why does he adopt such a defensive posture?

For example, not long after reports of children being beheaded, crucified and buried alive by ISIS, and the Jordanian pilot being burnt to death in a cage, President Obama was out deflecting criticism of Islam at the annual National Prayer Breakfast in February last year:

“Unless we get on our high horse and think that this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ…So it is not unique to one group or one religion.”

At best Obama’s familial connections — he had a Muslim father and, then, stepfather –are clouding his judgment. At worst he is a Muslim sympathiser. This wouldn’t be a problem if Islamists had not effectively declared war on America and the West. This is the time for a Reagan-like figure to lead the fight for our civilisation. This isn’t the time for divided loyalties or a weak reed.

Unfortunately Obama is not alone. The European big three — Cameron, Hollande and Merkel — all parrot the ‘religion of peace’ hoax. Mind you, let’s put it in perspective, they don’t have the same aversion to referring to radical Islamic terrorism; and, so far as I know, have not gone so far as Obama in purging all references to the religion that dare not speak its name from the lexicon of their military and security agencies. The words Islam, sharia law, and jihad are verboten apparently. The words extremism and terrorism, and now presumably ‘thuggism’, are allowed provided they are devoid of any link to Islam.

We are in serious trouble. Islamists are beheading infidels and the Commander-in-Chief is parsing his language to cloud the threat.  In these circumstances, whether he offends tender sensibilities or not, Trump is what the Western world needs now. Love sweet love will have to wait for a different time.


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