There is just so much wrong with Hillary By David Lawrence

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton makes Donald Trump look like a saint.

In 2008, Hillary hated Obama, bad-mouthed him, and ran against him in the primaries.  She failed.  Now she praises Obama and says what a wonderful president he is and has been from day one.  Was she phony when she attacked him, or is she phony now, when she tries to use him as moral support?

Hypocrisy, thy name is contradiction for the sake of votes.

Why Hillary thinks Obama, who is not very popular, will save her, God knows.  He is not considered one of our best presidents except by racially homogenous blacks, liberal Jews, and the ideological blind.

It’s interesting that the two most famous people in the race, Hillary and Trump, are harsh and obnoxious.  Only Trump is honest and direct and has a record of accomplishment.  Hillary is a feminist who has used her popular husband as a wedge into politics.

All that Hillary has done has a dark underside to it, whether it is the barnacles clinging to failed Hillarycare or the revolution in Libya.

Hillary failed to fortify Benghazi and lied to the families about the cause of their loved ones’ deaths.  She blamed a video rather than al-Qaeda, even though she knew the truth.

When Hillary said, “What difference at this point does it make?,” she was telling us that the administration’s lie to the public about the influence of the video was irrelevant because the American people are irrelevant.

Hillary is a crook with a degenerate legacy that she shares with her pedophilic husband.  Everyone she has touched falls through her fingers like sand.

Hillary, our potential commander-in-chief, offered us the Russian reset, yet we are in another cold war.  She and that weakling Obama are no match for Putin, and they could be responsible for the end of the world.  It might turn out that weakness rather than strength will be apocalyptic.

Remember Reagan tearing down the wall.  Hillary and Obama have invited the Muslims and the Russians to step on our faces.

Back in my day, it was considered immoral for a president to get divorced.  What about a woman who hangs onto the coattails of a serial harasser of females, Bill, and then asks women to vote for her on the basis of her standing up for women’s rights?

While her idiot boss, Obama, labeled ISIS the J.V. team, she said Boko Haram isn’t a terrorist outfit.  Her boss can’t even say “radical Islam.”  Both of them are quasi-socialists, and both are proselytes of Saul Alinsky.  They want to turn America into the Gulag Archipelago.

We haven’t even discussed Hillary’s personal server for emails during her reign as secretary of state or the revocation of her law license during the Watergate hearings, the accusation against her of the Vince Foster murder, or her accepting millions of dollars for her speeches for her foundation from anti-female countries like Saudi Arabia.  And what do we say about the millions Congress spent investigating Whitewater?

Have we ever elected a president who was being investigated by the FBI?  It makes me lose all faith in this country.

Trump is clumsy, bold, and outspoken.  Yet he has the integrity of the police compared to a criminal gang like the Clintons.


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