LGBT Toileting: It’s No Longer the Ladies’ Room and the Men’s Room : Janet Levy

PayPal and Apple are incensed that the State of North Carolina restricts public toilet usage to those possessing the actual anatomy corresponding to respective restroom designations.  With an estimated .3% of the population classified as “transgender,” according to UCLA LGBT demographer, Gary Gates, you would think that PayPal and Apple would be shooting themselves in the foot by putting political correctness before the protection of women and children from sexual predators.  However, in solidarity with the LGBT movement, Facebook and Google, among other businesses and the usual “civil rights” groups, have closed ranks to declare the North Carolina law “out of line with their core values.”  Have we really come to the point where mandating male usage of the ladies’ room is a core value?
PayPal CEO, Daniel Schulman, earning his social justice warrior stripes, withdrew plans to open a North Carolina facility that would have brought 400 new jobs to the Charlotte area after learning that the state legislature enacted a law – the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act or HB2 –  prohibiting people from using restrooms of the opposite sex.  (Yes, that’s “sex,” not “gender.”)  PayPal contends that the law “perpetuates discrimination” and “violates the values and principles” of their mission and culture.  And you thought PayPal was just in the business of operating an online payment system!
Ironically, in 2011, PayPal had no qualms about opening a global operations center in Malaysia, where homosexual activity is illegal and punished with harsh prison sentences and whippings.  Not to be outdone on the hypocrisy score, openly gay Apple CEO, Tim Cook, has taken North Carolina to task for being “anti-gay” but somehow manages to have the moral wherewithal  to operate stores in Saudi Arabia, where homosexuals are routinely executed in public.
Contrary to the standard Millennial educational fare of the “diversity of opinion-deprived” campus  as well as the twilight zone of Common Core in which “Heather has two mommies” and “Melea has two Dads,” there is a difference (viva la difference!) between “sex” and “gender.”
Sex is a biological construct that denotes an individual’s actual plumbing apparatus or “junk” as it is labeled in modern parlance.  Gender refers to a subjective state of mind or whether or not someone “feels” like a female, male or any of the utterly nonsensical categories currently bandied about by politically correct (not anatomically correct) LGBT enforcers and their ilk.  In other words, a person can have all of the primary and secondary sex characteristics of “male-hood” but feel like a “natural woman” thus privileging his/her use of the women’s room.
As more states adopt “transgender” bathroom laws, incidents of public indecency, pedophilia, Peeping Tomism and even rape are bound to increase.  (Sorry, feminists, no matter how you insist on conflating male and female sexuality, male predation and female vulnerability is still the general rule, not the exception).
In 2010, 51 year old Norwood Smith Burnes, on probation for indecent exposure, donned women’s clothes, entered the women’s bathroom in a Georgia Walmart and proceeded to undress in front of children.  In 2013, Jason Pomares disguised as a female, surreptitiously recorded hours of footage in the ladies’ room of a Palmdale, California Macy’s.  Thankfully, in the absence of transgender bathroom statutes, both of these men were arrested.  However, with the new potty rules in place in some states, cases like these could conceivably be unprosecutable as sexual offenses while those who protest the new “standards” could be subject to legal action.  (This isn’t entirely farfetched considering we have an attorney general considering the prosecution of climate change deniers of the “settled science” of global warming).
This kind of moral inversion (and hypocrisy) begs the question:  “Are the inmates truly running the asylum?”  We’re fast becoming an “Alice in Wonderland through-the-looking-glass” kind of world when having “values” means you fight for the rights of boys to use the girls’ room and punish those who object!

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