16-Year-Old Girl Converts to Islam, Plots to Bomb Jewish School Daniel Greenfield


The Jihad Machine grinds on across the West. Muslim men use younger European girls in terror plots.

Danish prosecutors say a 16-year-old girl who was arrested in January was planning bomb attacks against a Jewish school in Copenhagen and another school in Denmark.

Prosecutors presented the preliminary charges against her and a 24-year-old man suspected of being her accomplice in a court hearing Tuesday in Holbaek, northwest of the Danish capital.

The AP report carefully avoids the I word and the M word. Just an inexplicable plot against a Jewish school by a 16-year-old for no apparent reason. Danish news however uses the M word.

The 15-year-old girl’s mother was strongly opposed that the daughter had converted.

The teenage girl had converted to Islam and the attack was being planned with a 24-year old Jihadist who had fought in Syria. The adult Jihadist had been in prison and is an Islamist, but the usual Islamic sources are claiming he’s just a “confused young man”. Because this is some sort of Monty Python skit.

The 24-year-old former Syria fighter among other things obtained bomb manuals. According to the prosecutor, the accused planned to commit terror against Sydskolen in Fårevejle and the Jewish private school Caroline School in Copenhagen.

Jewish parents of children Caroline School have previously expressed concern  for their children’s safety in connection with the terrorist attack on the synagogue in Copenhagen last year.

What Islamophobes those Jewish parents are. And Dan Uzan, the volunteer community guard who was murdered in Copenhagen trying to stop a terrorist. He was probably very phobic about Islam right before he was murdered.

The New Nazism is here and it wears a keffiyah and a hijab. But don’t worry human rights activists are stepping up. For the Islamofascists. Of course.

The court’s decision was also because of the girl’s age criticized by, among others, Amnesty International, Children’s Rights and Human Rights Institute.

Yes. Amnesty International is once again fighting for the vital human right of killing Jews. And you know, Sharia and Jihad across Europe.

As TV 2 previously could tell, the girl converted to Islam and she has hailed jihad online. Of the girl’s Facebook profile, it also appears that she, among other things is a member of a group of Danish members of the Islamic organization Hizb ut-Tahrir.

Just an organization supportive of imposing the peaceful practices of Islamic law on the world. By peaceful force. Don’t worry, it’s all peaceful.

Meanwhile here’s what life is like for Jews in Copenhagen under the shadow of Islamofascism.

A Jewish school in Denmark informed parents that its pupils are no longer allowed to wear religious symbols near school grounds.

The private Caroline School in Copenhagen informed parents of the policy in a recent letter, the Jyllands-Posten daily reported Friday. The letter said it was not permissible for students of the 7th, 8th and 9th grades to leave school premises if they are wearing visible Jewish symbols….

This is the same school that was targeted by Amnesty International’s new poster girl.

Messages daubed on the school walls included “No peace in Gaza” and “No peace to you Zionist pigs.”

I’m sure it’ll get better with more Muslim migrants. Just ask HIAS.

This is yet another Muslim terror plot against a Jewish school. These attacks go back decades. But Islamophobia is the real problem. Not Islamic Supremacism’s Anti-Semitism and Anti-Everythingism.

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