Silence fails in the face of evil:Andrew Bolt March 2015

WHAT will it take for many in the Left to openly condemn the Islamic State? Why this silence in the face of evil?

In January, the Islamic State threw two men off a tall building in Iraq for the “crime” of being gay.

In February, they threw another gay man off a building, this time in Syria and, when he somehow survived, had a crowd stone him to death.

IS is in a war against gays — not just against Jews, Christians and any Muslim thought insufficiently devout.

But what have our main gay representatives — largely Left-leaning — said in response to such savagery against gays?

The NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby? Silent.

Victoria’s Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby? Not one press release.

Labor frontbencher Penny Wong, openly lesbian? Nothing.

Former Greens leader Bob Brown, our first openly gay senator?Also nothing.

Current Greens leader Christine Milne? Not a tweet.

Indeed, not one of the 150 floats in Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian mardi gras on Saturday flew a banner of protest against this deadly persecution or the brand of faith which inspired it.

Yes, the faith. Many Muslim countries do permit gay sex, yet it is also true that all seven countries which punish homosexuality with death are Muslim, with the Koran damning gays as “people transgressing beyond bounds” who should have “rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)”.

So why no protest from the gay Left?

Same question of our arts community, usually so ready to damn Right-wing foreigners.

How can it now say so little, not only against the slaughter of humans but now against the jihad on art?

Last month, IS jihadists smashed priceless ancient statues and reliefs at the Mosul museum.

Now they’ve bulldozed antiquities at Iraq’s ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud, founded in the 13th century BC, and started to destroy the Parthian city of Hatra, a UNESCO world heritage site.

Again the inspiration behind this cultural genocide is Islam, or the hardliners’ interpretation of it.
“These artefacts behind me are idols for people from ancient times who worshipped them instead of God,” one militant says in a video of the destruction at the Mosul museum.


So where are artists protesting this crime against civilisation? Where is the Australian Council for the Arts? Where are the bosses of our galleries and museums?

As silent as our Mufti himself.

I know, a press release or tweet doesn’t do much. But the Left isn’t usually this slow to at least let their thumbs do the talking.

And why? It seems there’s a collective wish to treat the battle against radical Islam as just proof of the racism of the “Right”.

The Left’s role, then, is just to smugly attack these wicked critics of Islam and to ignore or excuse Islam’s most threatening exponents.

Indeed, some prominent Leftists are so keen on this mad work that they even claim Australia’s conservatives are worse than the terrorists now beheading Copts, stoning gays, enslaving Christian women and shooting our civilians.

“Civil libertarian” Julian Burnside, for instance, tweeted that “people like Bolt and (Tony) Abbott are the real threat to our way of life”, an argument he repeated in The Guardian under the headline: “The Islamophobia stirred up by Abbott and Bolt is a bigger threat to us than terrorism.”

On the ABC, Burnside even defended the IS beheadings of innocent civilians as less barbaric than the execution in the United States of convicted criminals.

IS “do it with a swift blow of the sword, so the person dies within seconds, and yet America is willing to have a person writhing in the electric chair for 14 minutes while they die.

“You know which one is more savage”. Really? Heard the video of hostage Nick Berg screaming as his head is sawn off by a jihadist?

Burnside has lost not just his moral compass but contact with reality.

And he’s not alone.

The one Leftist columnist I’ve seen so far tut-tutting the IS destruction of Assyrian artefacts is the Sydney Morning Herald’s Elizabeth Farrelly.

But she mentioned only “those black-clad IS psycho-puppies” to argue they were still better than the “Liberal Party thugs” who last month criticised Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs for her bias.

“At least IS was sufficiently ashamed to take its video down,” she said. “Abbott remains unapologetic.”

How dangerous.

This is the Left not simply failing to resist IS, but actually backing its claims that we are the true evil.

What horrors will it take for the Left to realise the enemy of their enemy is not their friend, but their enemy, too?

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