Germany brings out water cannons…against the German people By Carol Brown

In response to mass rape perpetuated by Muslim men against German women over New Year’s eve, PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of Europe) organized a demonstration. It was held in a “multi-cultural” district of west Germany that has been supportive of Merkel’s open door immigration policy. Even so, 3,000 people turned out on short notice for the rally.

Breitbart reports that the demonstration began with speeches, including announcements that alcohol, glass bottles, and face-coverings were banned. Despite PEGIDA’s attempts to ensure a peaceful event, a small number of attendees (from outside of Cologne) began to cause trouble by throwing fireworks. This prompted the police to stop the march in order to deal with the perpetrators, which they did by employing a number of tactics including containment, use of a water cannon, and pepper spray.

But it also appears that some, if not all, of those stirring up trouble may have been undercover police plants who try to entice people to engage in bad behavior. Despite that, PEGIDA had only praise, empathy, and appreciation for the police, while also finding it amusing that an extremely large number of officers were on site for the demonstration in comparison to the minimal force of 143 officers expected to maintain order in Cologne on New Year’s eve.

PEGIDA thanked members of law enforcement for protecting them from violent left-wing agitators who often disrupt their demonstrations. They also expressed empathy for the position the police were put in on New Year’s eve when their request for back up was denied by the minister for the interior who made a politically-motivated decision. They further stated that they reject politicians who are scape-goating the police, saying what unfolded on New Year’s eve was not their fault.

The police risk their lives every day for this stupid government, and are deployed to the borders to “welcome” refugees rather than being sent to real crime scenes.

The police have been warning the politicians and the press for months they are understaffed and cannot guarantee public safety. And now we are supposed to believe this is their fault? This is madness.

As happens at most rallies, they also called on Angela Merkel to resign.

What an impressive group of individuals! I hope their numbers continue to swell and that they can find additional ways above and beyond demonstrations to have their voices heard and to impact German policy.

After reading Breitbart’s report, it was like entering the twilight zone when I listened to the CNN coverage of this same event – coverage that was truly Goebbels-esque. (I recommended watching the video to get a feel for the reporter’s attitude.)


There’s a lot of anger and that is what this is. There’s a lot of anger and what these assaults have done, is they’ve fed into the fears of people and it’s given them an excuse, an opportunity, to come out onto the streets like this and vent their frustrations, their fears, and their angers, using beer bottles that are being thrown, using fireworks, using slogans and big signs that say “refugees not welcome.” One of them said “rapeugees not welcome.” So there is that boiling anger that’s now surfacing. This, I should point out, is a small segment of German society, but it is a very vocal one. On the other side of the station we see 1,700 protestors in support of those victims of the assaults, in support of continuing to open the doors to refugees. But what this kind of tension shows is that deep divide in society.

This dimwit CNN lemming framed the fears of some Germans as unfounded. Seriously? I’d like to have seen her report live from the area around the Cologne cathedral on New Year’s Eve.

Her notion that the violence that erupted last week-end has given Germans “an excuse” to protest would be laughable if it wasn’t so damned disgusting and ignorant, as Germans are sitting around waiting for an “excuse” to take to the streets. Was she kidding? (Sadly, not.) But she was surely eager to make sure everyone knew this was just a “small segment of German society.” Whew! I wouldn’t want to think too many Germans were waking up and speaking out against their own demise. That’s a relief.

When a colleague in the studio asked her about the scope of the protest, she said this. With a straight face. Apparently unfazed by the fact that the German government was shooting water cannons at people protesting organized mass rape of German women by Muslim colonizers invading their once civilized country:

It’s actually fairly contained – contained to just a few hundred. You can see the water cannon now in use. They’re sort of spraying quite a number of the protestors. There’s the water. This is their way of saying, you know, move out of the way. Stop this protest. We will disperse. This behavior is continuing. You can see the water cannon spraying directly into the crowd there to get them to move, to get them to disperse as soon as possible.

Listening to this CNN mouthpiece spout utter nonsense with an air of authority and simmering smugness was appalling. Her willingness to report with such bias against Germans protesting to save their nation was egregious. And that’s putting it mildly.

And then there was the protest with an estimated 1,700 people who support the women who were raped and, apparently, the people who raped them,  revealing quintessential leftist non-thinking. As if you can have it both ways.

If they want to “support” the rape victims, they need to stand against immigration from Islamic countries. Otherwise, the support is a meaningless sentiment on a sign that assuages their guilt and makes them feel like they’ve done something good.

Sickening all the way around.

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