Jeb: Multiculturalism Was Good Before It Was Bad By J. Christian Adams

Jeb Bush has had these strongly held views . . . for at least seven days.

Jeb Bush has come out swinging against multiculturalism.

In this Drudge Report-linked story, Bush hammers the multicultural dogma that differences between Americans should be talked about and treasured:

“We should not have a multicultural society,” Bush said, before beginning a longer explanation of his views of what comprises culture in the U.S. “When you create pockets of isolation – and in some places the process of assimilation has been retarded because they’ve slowed down – it’s wrong,” he added. “It limits people’s aspirations.”

Jeb Bush has had these strongly held views . . .  for at least seven days.

Just last week, Bush sent a fundraising letter praising the virtues of his “modern” and “multi-cultural family.”


In a postscript to his fundraising letter of last week, Bush says:

My adult life began when I was seventeen, and I met my beloved bride-to-be Columba. . . . We are a modern American family – multi-cultural, devoted to our Christian faith, active in our community, business and politics.

The fundraising letter asks for up to $500 and promotes Bush’s leadership of a “thoughtful conservative reform movement.”  Bush believes he can win by campaigning “in every corner of America . . .  including places where Republicans have rarely gone and where there is great opportunity for our nation and our Party.”

In the 2012 election, Hispanics voted for President Obama over Mitt Romney 71% to 27%.  Over 4,000,000 Evangelicals and conservative Catholics stayed home.  So did large numbers of middle class white voters.

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