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September 2015


For decades many Americans were ambivalent about immigration. The false arguments made by the open borders advocates – whom I have come to refer to as the “Immigration Anarchists” – succeeded in suppressing the truth from the majority of American citizens.

The notion that the United States has just four “border states” was blindly accepted by many people, along with the false statement that illegal aliens did the work Americans won’t do.

The concept of four border states caused many Americans, who lived far from the U.S.-Mexican border, to believe that the impact of illegal immigration was of scant consequence for them. Most Americans were unaware that nearly half of all illegal aliens were actually lawfully admitted into the U.S. and then, in one way or another, violated the terms of their admission.

For years, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and various lobbying groups have peddled the false notion that the U.S. needs to import high-tech workers from overseas. Indeed, there are still politicians who support greatly increasing the number of H-1B visas for those high-tech workers. However, as John Adams famously remarked, “Facts are stubborn things.” News reports have made it clear that Silicon Valley and various U.S. corporations, such as Disney, have fired their highly qualified and experienced American workers, replacing them with workers from India and other countries.

2 Israelis make MIT’s prestigious ’35 Innovators Under 35′ list

Two Israelis have made MIT’s prestigious “35 Innovators Under 35” list for 2015, which the university published on Monday.

One of the Israelis is Cigall Kadoch, 30, who holds a doctorate from Stanford. She is the daughter of an Israeli and was raised in San Francisco. Her field of expertise is cancer research, with a focus on breast cancer.

Gilad Evrony, 33, the second Israeli on the list, is a Harvard Medical School researcher. Evrony helped make a surprising discovery: Brain cells sitting right next to each other don’t always have the same genetic codes.

According to the MIT’s Technology Review, Evrony’s discovery “could provide insight into age-related cognitive decline and brain disorders such as epilepsy and schizophrenia.”

Jason Pontin, the editor in chief and the publisher of the MIT Technology Review, said: “Throughout the years we have successfully chosen young innovators whose work has had a profound impact on humanity. Past lists have included the likes of Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Apple’s chief designer, and many others.


Ideas are the most powerful human force. And the idea of jihad that the Obama administration will not discuss is perhaps the most powerful idea in the world’s marketplace of ideas today.We have arrived at the point where the consequences of the West’s intellectual disarmament at the hands of political correctness begins to have disastrous consequences in the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

Speaking last month at the memorial service for the five US marines massacred at a recruiting office in Chattanooga, Tennessee, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said, “The meaning of their killing is yet unclear, and what combination of disturbed mind, violent extremism, and hateful ideology was at work, we don’t know.”

Bad Day for Nuclear Iran Deal Opponents By: Lori Lowenthal Marcus

On Tuesday, Three Reps and two Senators announced their support for the Nuclear Iran Deal. One More Senator in support will dash opponents’ hope.

By mid-afternoon on Tuesday, Sept. 1, three members of the U.S. House of Representatives announced they were supporting the Nuclear Iran Deal. As the afternoon wore on, word came that first Senator Bob Casey (D) of Pennsylvania, and then, to close out the afternoon, Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) also came out in favor of the agreement.

The three members of the House of Representatives who said they will support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action are Rep.s Patrick Murphy (D-FL-18), Bobby Rush (D-IL-01) and Adam Smith (D-WA-09). None of these were real surprises.

But people were quite hopeful that Casey might swim against the tide. In fact, his statement announcing his support went on for 17 pages.

Casey, like so many other politicians who say they will vote to support the deal, admits that the chances of Iran cheating are significant. He began his analysis with this understanding.

Daniel Greenfield on “The Catastrophic Iran Deal” — on The Glazov Gang

This special edition of The Glazov Gang was hosted by Ari David, the host of the Ari David Show Podcast, and joined by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center who writes the blog The Point at Frontpagemag.com.

Daniel came on the show to discuss The Catastrophic Iran Deal, analyzing the Radical-in-Chief’s dirty work for the Mullahs (starts at 6:45 mark).

The discussion was preceded by a dialogue on The Clinton Scandal and Cover-up, in which Daniel unveils the endless lies of the Clintons.

Don’t miss it!

Obama’s Threats Unlikely To Stop Cyber Attacks By Rachel Ehrenfeld

Talk about imposing sanctions on Chinese and Russian individuals and a company benefiting from their government’s looting of American trade, military and personnel secrets, is cheap, but futile.

The Obama administration’s threats of sanctions may sound reassuring to largely cyber-ignorant Americans, but it will do little to discourage further attacks. But threatening obviously difficult-to impose sanctions, will do little to deter the Chinese or the Russians. Especially so, since the security of the American government and private sector cyber systems is lacking, thus minimizing the risk of discovery before large quantities of data can be stolen over a long period of time.