Hillary Clinton Classified Contrary to Her Claims, she did Email Secret Information.


“One of this week’s big political stories is that Mrs. Clinton is now trailing three GOP presidential candidates in head-to-head polling in three swing states. More dangerous for Democrats, a majority in those states say they don’t believe Mrs. Clinton is honest or trustworthy. Perhaps that’s because she has proven so often that she isn’t.”

When Hillary Clinton called a press conference on March 10 to defend her use of private email for official State Department business, she was categorical in saying that as Secretary of State she “did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material.”

Mark that down as another Clinton untruth, along with coming under fire on a tarmac in Bosnia, suddenly discovering the Rose Law Firm billing records in the upstairs bedroom after years of saying they’d been lost, earning a 10,000% profit trading cattle futures after having read the Wall Street Journal, and so many more.

A government review has now found that Mrs. Clinton sent at least four emails from her personal account that contained classified information during her time as Secretary of State. The content should have been labeled “secret,” the second level of classification, according to a letter sent to Congress by the Inspector General for the intelligence community. Those four emails came from a mere 40 that the IG inspected. There are 30,000 more emails the IG hasn’t reviewed, according to a story Friday in the Journal.

This is no small slip-up, and the intelligence IG and his State Department counterpart have referred the handling of Mrs. Clinton’s email to the Justice Department for review. Other senior officials have faced criminal charges for misusing classified information. Former CIA Director David Petraeus pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor this year for disclosing classified information to his mistress, while Clinton-era National Security Adviser Sandy Berger copped a misdemeanor plea in 2005 for walking off with classified documents from the National Archives.

The latest revelation adds to the scandal of Mrs. Clinton’s private emails, which by now would have crippled a lesser figure running for President. Mrs. Clinton first said she wanted to use a private server so she could use a single electronic device. Then we learned she had more than one device anyway.

She claimed she had turned over all of her private emails to the State Department to review and release to the public. Then we learned that she had failed to turn over some Benghazi-related emails to her outside political fixer, Sidney Blumenthal. We only learned about the emails she didn’t turn over because Mr. Blumenthal gave them under subpoena to the Congressional committee investigating the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi.

As usual, Mrs. Clinton didn’t acknowledge her previous falsehood when asked about it on Friday, attempting to change the subject. “Maybe the heat is getting to everybody,” Mrs. Clinton said. “We are all accountable to the American people to get the facts right, and I will do my part. But I’m also going to stay focused on the issues, particularly the big issues that really matter to American families.”

If the Clinton pattern holds, her campaign will eventually admit she “misspoke,” but it will say it was inadvertent, the breaches were minor, and what difference does it make anyway? But it makes a huge difference in regard to the honesty and judgment Americans expect in a President.

Mrs. Clinton took an enormous risk to national security by putting her official emails on a private server. Sooner or later she was certain to send or receive some information useful to foreign governments even if it wasn’t officially classified. Every intelligence expert we’ve talked to says it is close to a certainty that some foreign intelligence agency was able to hack her emails while she was America’s chief diplomat.

Her reason for taking this risk was most likely because she didn’t want those emails to become public if she ran for President. And she admits she destroyed thousands of emails that she says—please take her word for it—weren’t official business.

One of this week’s big political stories is that Mrs. Clinton is now trailing three GOP presidential candidates in head-to-head polling in three swing states. More dangerous for Democrats, a majority in those states say they don’t believe Mrs. Clinton is honest or trustworthy. Perhaps that’s because she has proven so often that she isn’t.

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