Can Democracy Be Regained? Can the Republic be Saved? Jan Mel Poller

Democracy is more than having the people vote. Iraqis, under Saddam Hussein, voted. They voted for a tyrant, a mass murderer. But they did not have a democracy.

One year ago, I wrote “Towards One Man Rule”. When it counts, America now has one man rule with the approval of about half the population. The other half either goes along with it or doesn’t count. The Supreme Court supports it. Congress supports it. The media supports it. Not 100% of these people support it but enough do to override those who don’t. Enough people doesn’t always mean a majority. Frequently it means those with power.

Most readers of this do not need a litany of misdeeds by the Executive Branch, Congress, the Courts and the media to know this. They also know that the misdeeds are done by members of both parties.

It is helpful to remember that when a politician moves to the left, center or right, it is usually totally dishonest. They have a philosophy, an ideology that isn’t changing. Only the words are changing to get people to believe that the politician isn’t what the politician is so they will get the vote.

How do we stop this? We can stop it at the ballot box and we have to apply basic rules to all elected politicians regardless of party. We need to reject politicians who:

· Lie to us

· Solicit or accept bribes

· Use departments of the government to grab power, hold on to power or punish “enemies”

· Fail to protect us, to provide a secure country

· Rule by executive fiat

· Ignore what the population wants

· Uses secrecy for personal gain or political gain – not matters of security

· Ignore their Constitutional duties and restrictions

· Have election fraud

If voters of the left and right cannot agree that we need these things, then democracy is lost and tyranny wins.

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